Monday, September 26, 2011

United Nations in Relationship to the New World Order Part 2

Overall Contents for All Blogs and Posts
  Most posts are alphabetized by subject starting at the bottom of each blog except for the first one.  To get a feel of the overall intent of the blogs and posts please read the first post below. 
Introduction and an Idea of how to navigate through the blogs and posts.
Contents for Sources of Funding for New World Order
From Soft to Hard Tyranny  
Government Officials Speak out on Corruption and/or the New World Order Part 1
Government Officials Speak out on Corruption and/or the New World Order Part 2
Contents for Health Care Trends  
Contents for Hidden Powers, Hidden Interests
Links to Corruption, Tyranny and Trends Toward A New World Order Part 1
Links to Corruption, Tyranny and Trends Toward A New World Order Part 2
Links to Corruption, Tyranny and Trends Toward A New World Order Part 3
National Debt
The above 3 posts Links to Corruption, Tyranny and Trends Toward a New World Order, Part 1, 2 and 3 contain just the links from all the posts with very little political commentary or analysis.
News About the Fed, Banking and Finance Part 1
News About the Fed, Banking and Finance Part 2
Quotes Over Time About Monetary Policy and Banking and Finance in Relationship to Liberty and Tyranny
Slow Response/Gulf Oil Spill
Social Security and Other Entitlements
Symbols of Occult Power
The Modern Art and Science of Enslaving Others
The Constitution Verses Tyranny
The Relationship Between The Military Industrial Media Complex, Defense Spending, Semi-permanent and Permanent War and the Rise of Tyranny
Trends Toward a Tyrannical New World Order Part 1
Trends Toward a Tyrannical New World Order Part 2
Trends Toward a Tyrannical New World Order Part 3
The United Nations in Relationship to the New World Order Part 1
The United Nations in Relationship to the New World Order Part 2
Barter and Local Currency Survey
Members, Activities and Meetings
The War on Food
The War on Food Part  2  This section has a lot more in depth scientific studies.

In all the blogs the titles for each of the articles are colored coded red, orange, green or black based on my subjective belief of how likely they are to be true.
Red title and bold font means I believe the article is very likely to be true and is very important!
Red title and regular font means I believe the article is very likely to be true but is less important.
Orange title and bold font means the article is likely to be true and is important!
Orange title and regular font means the article is likely to be true but is less important.
Green title and bold font means I believe the article could be true and is very important!
Green title and regular font means I believe the article could be true but is less important.
Black title and bold font means I have no opinion on the article because I have not researched it so I have no opinion on its veracity.  However it is important!
Black title and regular font means I have no opinion on the article because I have not researched it so I have no opinion on its veracity or truthfulness.  It is of lesser importance.  

United Nations In Relationship to the NWO Part II              
Do Scientists Now Have an Anti-fertility Vaccine that can be Hidden in Food?     42
1995 BBC Program Claims Women in Developing World used as Guinea Pigs to Test Various Anti-fertility Vaccines Including a Secretive Covert Vaccine! 42
 Scientific Evidence Exist Linking Covert Anti-fertility Vaccines to Secret use on Women in Nicaragua, the Philippines and Mexico  43
National Institute of Health Pubmed Website Has Hundreds of Scientific Articles Discussing Anti-fertilityVaccines Going Back to the 1970ties     46
The Human Reproduction Journal is an Oxford Journal that Discusses Reproductive Issues Including Anti-fertility Vaccines   46 
According to the Economic and Political Weekly of February 19-26, 2000, The World Health Organization has Funded Research to Develop an Anti-fertility Vaccine Since the Early 1970ties  47 

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Humans Over Vaccinating Pets Resulting in Increased Autoimmune Disorders and Cancer.   48
Research Centers Developing Anti-fertility Vaccines 49
UNICEF Speaks Up About Use and Benefits of Vaccines 49
Over 70% of Aids Transmission in Africa May be Caused by Unsafe Hospital Practice or the Virus was Injected by Contaminated Needles     54 
Initial Congressional and Federal Drug Administration Testimony Stated Mercury Containing Vaccines were or Could be Harmful 55
Eli Lilly Website Discusses Safety Data for  Thimerosal (mercury containing compound or substance) 56    
Government Agencies Warn of Exposures to Mercury 57
The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and  the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in Jully 1999 released a joint press conference concerning Thimerosal in vaccines59  Bill Gates Implies Vaccines Could be Utilized as Population Control   59
Nanotechnology May be Employed to Create a Sweat Triggered Anti-fertility Vaccine  59
Ultrasound on Scrotums to Keep Men Infertile Up to Six Months Funded by Gates Foundation  60
Are you Eating a Gasoline Additive  60
Frank Fenner, Emeritus Professor of Microbiology at the Australian National University and the Man Who Helped Eradicate Smallpox Predicts Our Demise    61 

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Could Increasing Use of Vaccines, GMO’s and Other Chemicals Cause Rise in Chronic Illness     61
Some Surprising Findings Concerning Population Control  65                                                                                         Kids Account for less of U.S. Population, Not a Good Sign 66
Other Chronic Disabling Illnesses  67
Whistleblower: Are Corporations (DynCorp) and Top U.N. Officials Covering up or Supporting the Sex Trade From National Public Radio’s Dianne Rehm Show 1,11, 2011.    67
DynCorp Pays Fine for Filing Inflated Claims For Police Training     70
Halliburton Subsidiary, Kellogg, Brown & Root Alleged to Engage in Human Sex Trade  70   Further Information on Global Sex Trade From CNN 70                                  
Sexual Slavery in America’s Heartland CBN News 71                                                                  
PBS and The Justice Department Speak Out on Sexual  Exploitation      72
Prosecutors Child Porn Cases Up Over 2,500% 72       
Representative Cynthia McKinney Grills Secretary of Defense On Child Pornographyand Other Issues  66
How Pervasive is Child Sexual Exploitation and Pornography in the U.S.?   73
Child Prostitution in Arizona   73
A Chronological History of the New World Order D.L. Cuddy   74
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Do Scientists Now Have a Anti-fertility Vaccine that can be Hidden in Food?
According to Dr. David Ayoub at the end of the video, Mercury, autism and the global vaccine agenda, some scientists dream of producing an oral anti fertility vaccine.  The problem is the human gut would digest any oral vaccine unless they can alter the DNA of certain gut bacteria to produce anti bodies to hCG or other fertility hormone. They may have the capability now.  Ayoub believes that scientists have altered a bacteria like e coli so that it no longer produces ill effects but produces antibodies to the hormone hCG.  Food or liquid can laced with this bacteria which would be consumed then lodge itself on to the wall of the colon.  The antibodies it produces would seep into the blood and destroy the pregnancy hormone hCG thus a newly fertilized embryo would not implant itself on the uterine wall.  This could be done quickly over a wide scale and by the time people figured out what had happened, a lot of damage could be done!  In a related article, a lot has been done in recent decades in terms of altering DNA in existing life or creating new life from scratch.  Consider the following posted on NPR! On the bottom of this link are other NPR links discussing the creation or modification of lifeDNA Transplant Transforms Bacteria Aug. 21, 2009,
Genetic First: Bacterium's Code Built from Scratch Jan. 24, 2008,
Venter 'Decodes' Genome Project Controversy Nov. 5, 2007.

1995 BBC Program Claims Women in Developing World used as Guinea Pigs to Test Various Anti-fertility Vaccines Including a Secretive Covert Vaccine!
     On November 5th 1995 the BBC program Horizon did a program called The Human Laboratory describing how women in poor developing countries were used as guinea pigs to test various contraceptive devices such as Norplant, the drug Quinacrine and a secretive anti-fertility vaccine covertly given to women 15-45 as part of a tetanus prevention drug.  A transcript of the interviews can be found at the following link
.  Here is a brief synopsis of what was covered.
·      The Norplant device provides six implants under the skin of one arm secreating a hormone for five years to prevent pregnancy.  It was first tested on women in very poor countries such as Bangladesh and Haiti.  Many women had no adverse reactions however others suffered severe side effects including: eyesight disorders, blindness, stroke, and persistent bleeding resulting in extreme fatigue.  When women suffering from such symptoms asked for the device to be removed often doctors refused telling them they must complete the testing for the device.  Despite the 

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    many problems, the FDA quickly approved the device for women in the U.S. where it continued to cause problems.
·      Two doctors in the southern U.S. created another chemical contraceptive drug called Quinacrine.  It is inserted into the tip of the womb causing inflammation and scarring of the Fallopian tubes.  The scarring blocks the sperm from reaching the egg.  At the time of the BBC broadcast approximately 100,000 women in the developing world were undergoing trials using the drug.   According to its advocates, it is the cheapest contraceptive in the world that can be administered easily in very primitive conditions.  For $10,000 dollars 70,000 women can be sterilized.  Unfortunately the drug had not at the time been approved by any major regulatory agency yet already 100,000 women were given the drug and told that it was safe!  Some scientists worry the drug may put women at risk for cancer or other complications.  At the time of the interview, The World Health Organization stepped in and ordered that further testing of the drug on women needed to cease until further laboratory tests are completed.
·      The final interview was done with a nun working with women in the Philippines whom she found were being covertly sterilized with an anti-fertility drug while being told that the vaccine was to protect against tetanus.  Her suspicions were raised because 70% of the tetanus infections occur among men.  However women of childbearing age were the only ones asked to receive this tetanus vaccine.  In addition, the women were asked to get three tetanus vaccines within the first month and 5 tetanus shots within the first year.  Tetanus shots only need to be given once every 10 years.  After talking with many of the women who complained of bleeding and spontaneous abortions she had 4 of the vials tested and found that 3 of them contain hormones that terminate pregnancies.  More information and links on this last bullet can be found below.

Scientific Evidence Exist Linking Covert Anti-fertility Vaccines to Secret use on Women in Nicaragua, the Philippines and Mexico
There is some evidence that scientists have created vaccines ostensibly to prevent disease but also prevents women from conceiving that were used in Nicaraguathe Philippines and Mexico. James A. Miller, Are New Vaccines Laced With Birth-Control Drugs?, HLI Reports, Human Life International, Gaithersburg, Maryland; June-July 1995. 

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In the paragraphs below there is information how an anti fertility vaccine was used on women in the Philippines, Mexico and Nicaragua to prevent them from getting pregnant without their knowledge.  In the following link, you are taken to the March 9, 1978 issue of the New Scientist.  If you go to page 665 you will encounter an article called Problems with Pregnancy Vaccination.  It is useful because it describes in layman’s terms how vaccinations and antibodies work.  He also describes hCG and related hormones role in pregnancy.  Finally he discusses the early work on development of the anti-fertility vaccine and the collaboration between Professor Vernon C Steven’s team from the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Ohio State University and Professor G.P. Talwar’s team at the All India Institute for Medical Sciences in New Delhi India backing up what Dr. David Youb mentioned in his video mentioned later in this report. Here is a summary of important points in the article.
·      When you get a vaccine against a particular virus such as the flu you get a dead flu virus, a protein from the targeted virus, a weakened virus or a closely related virus injected into your body.  Your immune system encounters these foreign substances and produces antibodies that bind onto the surface of the virus.  Once the antibody is attached to the virus other cells from your bodies immune system quickly recognize the object as foreign and quickly attack and destroy it before it has a chance to multiply and cause havoc.  Your immune system then keeps a few of those antibodies or keeps the memory so that if such a virus enters the body again it can quickly create antibodies to attach to the virus and destroy it.
·      Two closely related hormones work together during pregnancy.  Early on during the menstrual cycle the pituitary gland at the base of the brain secretes leuteinising after the egg is released from the corpus luteum to produce progesterone which is needed to prepare the body for pregnancy.  If the egg is not fertilized after 3 weeks, the level of leuteinising and progesterone drop and the menstrual period begins.  If fertilization occurs then the early fetus or trophoblast produces hCG causing the corpus luteum to continue high levels of progesterone production and the trophoblast or embryo implants on to the uterus.  It turns out that leuteinising and hCG are very similar chemically.  One of the hurdles of producing the anti-fertility vaccine was to create a vaccine that would produce antibodies to hCG but not to leuteinising.  Leuteinising is vital for the proper functioning of a women’s menstrual cycle.
The following link describes how the United Nations World Health Organization provided vaccines to women in Nicaragua, Mexico and The Philippines to guard against tetanus.  What they did not tell them is that it contained substances that caused pregnant women to abort their babies.  More information about the women in the Philippines can be found at the end of this paragraph.  In June of 1995, Human Rights International, a large human rights and pro life organization raised questions about the program.  At first, the World Health Organization (WHO) denied that the vaccinations were also meant to control population.  However, lab results proved otherwise.  In the link, scroll down to near the bottom to the title, Efforts at Population Control Using Tetanus Toxin as a Carrier.

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In a press released on July 19, 1995 the World Health Organization claimed, “Reports of contaminated tetanus toxoid vaccine are false.  In the PubMed website created by the National Institute of Health an article also talks about the above.  If you google pubmed and go to its home page and type in anti-fertility vaccines you will get a list of 34 articles.  Number 23 is titled Tetanus Vaccines may be Laced With Anti-Fertility drug/developing countries.  You will see an abstract of the article published in the Vaccine Weekly 5/29-6/5/1995.  Also on November 5th 1995, The BBC Horizons Program broadcasted a feature called The Human Laboratory describing examples where women from developing countries were used as guinea pigs to test new contraceptive devices.  In the 3rd segment, Sister Mary Pilar Verzosa described how she became suspicious when the women in the Philippines she worked with began showing symptoms that suggested that they might be reacting to an anti fertility vaccine.  A transcript of all the interviews can be found at the following link.  This is part of the same situation as described in the beginning of the paragraph involving The World Health Organization.  This was described in more detail a couple of pages back

All the sources I read concerning the vaccines provided by Who to the Philippines women claimed that the Department of Health, Philippines Medical Society conducted their own investigation and found the following:
·      9/47 vials tested were contaminated with anti fertility agents.
·      There were numerous cases of spontaneous abortions after the vaccines.
·      The UNICEF-WHO Program was changed in 1993.
Ø It targeted women including pregnant ones from the ages of 14-44.  Although men experienced 70% of the tetanus cases, they along with children were excluded from vaccinations.
Ø Women received 3 tetanus shots during the first month and 5 shots during the first year even though 1 tetanus shot is known to last 10 years.
Ø The organizations exaggerated the number of deaths from tetanus claiming 25 people died everyday from the disease.  The actual death rate was 186 per year and the number was declining. Go to this link,   Click on the video link, Mercury, Autism and the Global Vaccine Agenda David Ayoub. M.D.  You will find this reference at 1 hour 15 minutes into the video.

Various other developing countries also had trouble with U.N. vaccine programs.  In a speech at the National Vaccine Information Center, Third International Public Conference on Vaccination in Arlington Virginia, Kihura Nkuba spoke of Uganda’s experience after a vaccination program for polio.  According to his speeches polio is very rare in Uganda although people were told that many cases of polio were occurring.  Far more children die from malaria.  He wonders why money was not spent on combating this far more deadly disease.  After the vaccinations in 1977, 600 children died within the first month.  In addition live inactivated polio virus was given orally.  Uganda has extensive numbers of people that are HIV positive or have aids.  Nkuba directly 

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called the CDC in the U.S. and asked if people with compromised immune systems should be given live viruses in vaccines.  He was told this is very dangerous and could result in a vaccination induced illnesses!  He spoke about this on his radio program in Uganda and for his trouble he was harassed by government agents and two people tried to murder him.  You can also hear him speak on C span 2 on November 7, 2002.  Here is a link to highlights of his speech on C Span 2 as well as a few highlights from other speeches. The following link is to a transcript of the actual speech that Kihura Nkuba gave at C Span 2 mentioned above.  If what he says is true, it is quite interesting and damning of the various U.N. organizations.  In brief it goes through the various things that happened over time with government officials as he and his countrymen asked questions concerning the vaccines. It is also fascinating to see how the government tried to trick the people into taking the vaccines and the type of questions that the Africans asked when they called into Kihura’s radio station. 

National Institute of Health Pubmed Website Has Hundreds of Scientific Articles Discussing Anti-fertility Vaccines Going Back to the 1970ties
Pubmed on it’s home page claims it has more than 20 million citations for biomedical literature from Medline, life science journals and online books.  Citations may include links to full text content from PubMed Central and publisher websites.  This is a government website created by the National Institute of Health.  In the above link I found 34 articles talking about anti-fertility vaccines going back to 1987!   However at the bottom of the last page if I click on related articles 115 more anti-fertility vaccine articles come up going back to the mid 1970ties and then I found 99 more and I am sure I could have kept going to find hundreds of articles discussing the development of the anti-fertility vaccines!  Research in this area has been going on for a long time so I would not be surprised if many anti-fertility vaccines have been created by now.

The Human Reproduction Journal is an Oxford Journal that Discusses Reproductive Issues Including Anti-fertility Vaccines.  This abstract was taken from the 1991 Volume 6, Issue 1.  The article is on pages 166-172.  I could not obtain access to the article unless I paid $32 dollars but the abstract speaks volumes.
The WHO Task Force on Vaccines for Fertility Regulation. Its formation, objectives and research activities
Over the past 18 years, the WHO Task Force on Vaccines for Fertility Regulation has been supporting basic and clinical research on the development of birth control vaccines directed against the gametes or the pre-implantation embryo. These studies have involved the use of advanced procedures in peptide chemistry, hybridoma technology and molecular genetics as well as the evaluation of a number of novel approaches in general vaccinology. As a result of this inter national, collaborative effort, a prototype anti-HCG vaccine is now undergoing clinical testing, raising the prospect that a totally new family planning method may be available before the end of the current decade. 

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According to the Economic and Political Weekly of February 19-26, 2000, The World Health Organization under the jurisdiction of the U.N., has been funding research to develop an anti-fertility vaccine since the early 1970ties.  It has played a major role in the development of immunological contraceptives supporting research on anti fertility vaccines.  WHO has given long term support to anti-HCG vaccines being developed by Stevens and a team of researchers at the University of Ohio.  There is also another team of Researchers in the nation in competition with the above team.   HCG is commonly referred to as the pregnancy hormone because levels of it are high in pregnant women.  If the link above becomes defunct then Google the title, Genealogy of a Controversy: Development of an Anti-Fertility Vaccine.
     Part of the beauty of the anti-fertility vaccine described in the above paragraphs is that it can be stealthily given as part of a different vaccine.  According to a doctor in a link below, an embryo starts producing HCG hormones as soon as it is formed.  Once it attaches to the uterine wall it produces vastly greater amounts of the hormones which pregnancy tests pick up on.  When HCG (The pregnancy hormone) is added to a tetanus vaccine the immune system first reacts to the tetanus antigen.  This arouses the immune system to a higher state of readiness then it attacks the foreign HCG in the vaccine but it does not stop there.  It then attacks the fetus that is producing HCG not allowing it to attach itself to the uterine wall or if it is already attached causing it to abort.  Once women develop antibodies to HCG then embryos can be produced but they won’t be able to attach to the uterine wall.  Diabolically women could be pregnant, spontaneously abort the newly formed fetus without even knowing that they were pregnant because their menstrual cycles would not be altered!  The doctor explains the process better and goes into greater detail.  Go to this link,   Click on the video link, Mercury, Autism and the Global Vaccine Agenda David Ayoub. M.D. The whole video is absolutely fascinating but the part where he explains how the anti fertility vaccine described above, works, occurs between approximately 1 hour and 11 minutes and 1 hour and 14 minutes into the video.  Near the end of the video in the last 10 minutes or so he describes how doctors are using advances in using recombinant DNA.  The DNA that produces anti bodies to hCG the pregnancy hormone can be placed in viruses that can be injected into a vaccine for a different purpose and the virus will take over some of the cells and produce anti-bodies in women that will work for the rest of the woman’s life!  It is very difficult to prove that such a DNA sequence is part of a virus.  According to Dr. David Ayoub it would take a very sophisticated lab to discover this type of stealth vaccine.  Yet he claims this process has been done to tobacco plants and they actually produce anti-bodies to the hCG hormone!

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     The question one needs to ask next is, Has such a vaccine or many such vaccines been covertly administered to people?  If so how might you know assuming a lab does not come along to let you know.  If you were injected with such a vaccine your body would produce antibodies that would attack the sperm, eggs or fetuses.  Since the anti fertility vaccines  described above attack fetuses if you had such a vaccine then your body would have antibodies that would attack the fetus.  Another words, when immune system attacks the body or a fetus within your body it is called an autoimmune response.  The question is, does this happen?  If you google antibody Panel Screening in Recurrent Miscarriages over 400 different studies come up.  The summary in many of them said something similar to the following, “Found a high number of autoimmune antibodies in people that miscarriage.”  Here is the link to the over 400 studies. 
     She found an antibody to the thyroid was highly associated with miscarriages.  The following study stated that 1 or more or various autoimmune antibodies in combination may interact to cause infertility or terminate pregnancies. ttp:// 
Humans Over Vaccinating Pets Resulting in Increased Autoimmune Disorders and Cancer. 
On a related note, according to some veterinarians we are over vaccinating our pets leading to increased autoimmune disorders and cancer.  Perhaps people are just over vaccinated as well.  It will be interesting to see if vaccinations for the flu will lead to increased autoimmune illnesses in humans.  Review vast summaries on websites, autoimmune illnesses among humans are increasing.  Various reasons are given for the increase including environmental toxins, over sanitary conditions and increasing vaccinations.
     Since autoimmune illnesses are increasing perhaps the question should be more narrow.  Perhaps it could be Are there autoimmune antibodies to hCG hormone causing infertility in people now?  In 1995 some tetanus vaccines were laced with hCG and some women as a result produced antibodies to the hormone and are no longer able to produce children.  Dr. Gursaran Prasad Talwar founder of the National Institute of Immunology in New Delhi India is considered the father of abortifacient vaccines.  In testing his vaccines caused 118 of 148 women to have high enough hCG antibodies to abort children up to two years.  

I googled Are more women infertile because of antibodies to hCG?  I only found one women who claimed that her miscarriage was caused by high levels of hCG caused by high levels of hCG in the H1N1 flu vaccine.  No other studies on the internet or on Pubmed indicate that high numbers of women are experiencing antibodies to hCB. I googled on the web, the percent of women experiencing miscarriages after receiving the H1N1 flu shot and found 735 results.  On Pubmed I googled H1N1 vaccine and pregnancy.  70 articles came up and I 

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reviewed about 10 of them.  Almost all of them indicated that the risks of the H1N1 vaccine during pregnancy is far less than the risk to pregnant women getting the H1N1 flu itself thus pregnant women should be vaccinated for both themselves and their babies.  There was one interesting study titled Obstetric health care workers attitudes and beliefs regarding influenza, vaccination in pregnancy.  It found 31% of the health care workers felt that vaccines were not an effective way to decrease infections and a minority felt that vaccines were safe in pregnancy 36%!  So although many doctors and government lead organization recommend vaccinations there seems to be a lot of mistrust within the population and even among health care workers concerning the safety and effectiveness of vaccines at least for pregnant women.

Research Centers Developing Anti-fertility Vaccines
According to Dr. David Ayoub at the above link, these are the major research centers spending millions of dollars perfecting the above technology.  Remember of course that the Rockefeller foundation also spends millions if not billions funding this research.
·      Population Council of New York established in 1952.
·      Human Reproductive Program of the World Health Organization established in Geneva in 1972.
·      National Institute of Immunology (NII), New Delhi India established in the 1960ties
·      Contraceptive Research and Development (CONRAD); Norfolk Virginia.
·      National Institute of Child Health and Development of the NIH, Bethesda, Maryland.
·      Understand also many smaller research centers exist on colleges and universities throughout the United States and the world.

UNICEF Speaks Up About Use and Benefits of Vaccines
The use of vaccines to prevent disease is a major part of UNICEF’s expenditures, approximately 24%.  In the following link is an annual report from UNICEF published in 2002 covering their accomplishments in 2001.  Here are some interesting bullets taken directly from the documents relating to vaccines.  Here is the link to the entire document.
·      Immunization saves the lives of 2.5 million children under five each year in developing countries. Increased vaccination of women and children against tetanus helped cut deaths from the disease among newborns from 215,000 in 1999 to 200,000 in 2001, for example.
·      Yet more than 30 million children remain unprotected against common vaccine-preventable diseases, and enormous disparities in access to vaccines exist between countries, regions and communities.
·      UNICEF works with governments and partners to end these disparities, strengthen immunization services and ensure that every child is vaccinated against polio, measles, diphtheria, pertussis, tuberculosis and tetanus – the six most common vaccine-preventable diseases of childhood – as well as receiving newer vaccines such as hepatitis B and Haemophilus influenzae type b.

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·      As part of its long-standing support to Afghanistan’s health systems, for example, UNICEF provides vaccines and transportation, training and salaries for local health workers, and assistance in raising public awareness about immunization. In 2001, despite armed conflict and other challenges, UNICEF support ensured that more than 1 million children were protected against measles, about 10 million children were vaccinated against polio and about 3 million children received vitamin A supplements.
·      In June 2001, UNICEF Executive Director Carol Bellamy became the Chair- person of GAVI, the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization. GAVI is a ground-breaking partnership that brings together UNICEF, WHO, the World Bank, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, more than 50 governments, non- governmental organizations (NGOs), foundations, research and public health institutions and the vaccine industry.
·      In 2001, GAVI approved applications – from 53 governments – worth more than $500 million in new vaccines and over $250 million for immunization services, spread over five years. To qualify for support, governments surveyed immunization services and developed plans to strengthen those services, improve injection safety and make vaccine financing sustainable.
·      UNICEF is the largest supplier of vaccines to developing countries – providing 40 per cent of the world’s doses of vaccines for children.
Measles kills 777,000 children every year. In 2001, UNICEF fought measles in more than 30 countries, helping save the lives of over 80,000 children…The Measles Initiative, launched by UNICEF, WHO, the American Red Cross, the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the United Nations Foundation, immunized more than 20 million children in eight African countries and reduced annual deaths due to measles in those countries by more than 47,000.
·      Spearheaded by UNICEF, WHO and other key partners, the campaign to eradicate polio vaccinated a record 575 million children against the disease in 2001, reducing the number of new polio cases globally by more than 80 per cent. UNICEF supplies virtually all the oral polio vaccine used in the global polio eradication effort.
·      Rotary International, a major partner in the Global Polio Eradication Initiative, has contributed over $462 million to polio eradication through its PolioPlus programme, with more than $167 million given directly to UNICEF. During the year 2001 alone, Rotary gave over $25 million to the Initiative, including more than $10 million to UNICEF.
     I included this UNICEF U.N. document because it shows the magnitude of the U.N.’s vaccination campaign throughout the world. 
     In the first bullet one thing that strikes me is very odd is the vast campaign to eliminate tetanus.  I have never seen anyone with tetanus!   I heard that it makes your jaw lock shut and that horrified me as a child but I never seen any one who had it!  Perhaps it is much more prevalent in the 3rd world but in all my years of watching the news, national public television, science shows and reading the newspapers, Time, Life, The New Yorker and Newsweek I never once read an article about epidemics of tetanus or lock jaw anywhere in the world.  I read or heard about malaria, dipthiria, cholera, dengue fever, sleeping sickness aids and a slew of other afflictions but never heard a peep about tetanus.  Yet all of a sudden WHO, UNICEF and Gates are spending millions trying to vaccinate all these people when they probably are likely to die of one of the other deadly diseases that they are exposed too.  Something does not seem right.  Also 215,000

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newborns die of tetanus every year?  Either that is not a very large number in the scheme of billions of people or if it is, why haven’t I heard of this problem before?
     The eight bullet surprised me as well.  777,000 children die of measles every year?  As a kid we had no vaccines against measles, chicken pox and mumps.  Everyone got all the diseases.  The only bad one I remember is mumps which can really hurt older children or adults.  I never heard of anyone even getting very sick form measles let alone dying!  I guess if sanitation and nutrition conditions are really bad then such diseases do kill people
     In the 5th bullet UNICEF discusses the partnership they have developed with many organizations to spread the technology of vaccination throughout the world.  Having the World Bank as one of their esteemed partners raises lots of red flags for me.  If the World Bank is anything like the Federal Reserve which they are indeed modeled after we are indeed in deep trouble.  I suspect if I googled, The World Bank and Anti Fertility Vaccinations frightening facts would emerge.  The World Bank is responsible for determining how much economic aid that a country receives.  Perhaps a country would not receive the quality of aid they desire unless they satisfy certain requirements of the World Bank in terms of their anti fertility programs.
     I speculate that might explain some of the bizarre behavior of police in Uganda.  First either Kihura Nkuba or the Ugandan government and the U.N. organizations are lying about what is going on.  Somebody is anyway.  Let’s just assume for purposes of argument that Nkuba is indeed telling the truth.  Why would the police in Uganda round up the children and have them vaccinated knowing full well that a large percentage of them will die from the vaccination?  Surely they must talk to other countrymen and know that children are dying and yet they continue year after year rounding them up.  The only logical explanation I can come up with other than they are evil Satanists who enjoy watching children suffer and die is that the government will loose the aid that many of them depend on unless they follow through and satisfy the requirements of those whom provide the aid.  The next question is who has the money?  If you haven’t been living in a cave since 2008 you realize in our civilization the ones that have the most money are the banks.  Who is it that our Federal government goes to in order to borrow money?  Why it is the Federal Reserve.  In our country they are now buying up Mortgages and are devising a plan to buy up our increasing debt by actually buying U.S. Treasury bonds since our former creditors China, certain Middle Eastern Nations, Germany, Japan and other countries are less willing to buy up our debt.  The Federal Reserve is the main money-maker and loaner in the U.S.  The World Bank is structured just like the Federal Reserve and is in charge of all the central banks of the world.  So if you really need a lot of money, The World Bank is the daddy of them all.  However, they too have their requirements.  Now why would they want the Ugandan children to take vaccines that could kill them?  I will let you figure that one out.
     Now lets broaden our focus concerning vaccines and consider what we know concerning the information on the previous 13 pages starting with Henry Kissinger’s National Security Study Memorandum 200.  Remember that most of the memorandum proposed voluntary actions that governments could enact to 

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control population.  However, a growing minority of experts claimed that more drastic actions needed to be considered.  They proposed a highly disturbing alternative view which contained questions they felt had to be considered and answered in order to avert a worldwide population catastrophe.  Their questions only took up 2 pages.  However, the impact of this alternative view on later population policy, maybe far greater than any of us previously conceived.  Considering the information in the last 13 pages staggering, bordering on the inconceivable or incomprehensible conclusions can be drawn.
    If you read the document, you know that Henry Kissinger and his group were deeply concerned about population and felt dire consequences would occur if world leaders did not take immediate action.  At the time in 1974 the world population was more than 3.5 billion and growing rapidly.  He gave 3 projections of population growth.  If nothing was done, by 2000 the population would be 7 billion.  If world leaders implemented some steps to control the population then median projection of growth was 6.4 billion people.  However, if world leaders unified, working together population would grow to 5.9 billion.  In 2000 the world population was just over 6 billion people.  To me this is unbelievable!  If you follow politics like I do you know it is virtually impossible to get people to agree on anything even in the same nation under the same culture.  How in God’s name did the U.N. manage to get world leaders from radically different cultures to agree on voluntarily reducing their rate of population growth?  My answer is, perhaps they didn’t voluntarily get world leaders to agree.  Perhaps the rate of population growth was reduced covertly without citizens being fully aware of what was happening to them.
     Although I cannot prove this hypothesis I do have plenty of evidence to support it.  About 17 years ago my wife asked me to visit a urologist because although we were trying to become pregnant we were unsuccessful.  The urologist did a sperm count and told me my sperm count was a bit low.  He then informed me that for unknown reasons, human fertility was decreasing throughout the world.  Recent scientific evidence shows that many of our medicines, pesticides, cosmetics and chemicals used for various purposes mimic estrogen.  These chemicals are now entering our water supplies impacting fish and other reptiles so that males of various species are developing characteristics of the females of their species.  In addition, many of the males lose their fertility.  At this point few studies have been done showing a connection between these estrogen like chemicals and impacts on human males but many suggest that our fertility problems are connected since they are similar to the systems of the impacted animals.  Some estimates suggest human fertility has declined by 50% in the last few decades.
     Powerful evidence in the field of immunology demonstrate that covert anti fertility vaccines were on the cusp of development in the late 1980ties.  To review, scientists may have mastered the process of adding hCG hormone, (The 

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Pregnancy Hormone) to another carrier like the tetanus protein into the same vaccine.  When the vaccine is injected a women’s immune system develops anti bodies to attack both the tetanus protein and the hCG hormone.  In order to ensure this reaction 5 vaccines must be given within the first year.  Once the anti bodies to hCG are in place the immune system attacks embryos before they have a chance to attach to the uterine wall.  Future pregnancies can be avoided once women have the hCG anti bodies.  I presented evidence that stealth anti-fertility vaccines were administered in various 3rd world countries.  According to some sources millions of women were sterilized in this manner through out the world.  Evidence was also presented that live polio vaccines were administered to HIV positive carriers resulting in many deaths.  I can not fathom the reason for using live vaccines unless the goal was population reduction.
     I am unclear if anti fertility vaccines once administered become permanent so such women could no longer reproduce.  If they behave like most other vaccines, that would be the case.  However some vaccines like tetanus must be renewed every 10 years.  However that does not change my next question.  If stealth anti fertility vaccines can be produced have they already been used on unsuspecting women who may have spontaneously aborted fetuses that did not have the chance to implant themselves on the uterine wall.  If this has happened the fetus would have been aborted without the women even knowing that she was pregnant.  Chances are also the fertility cycle also would not have been impacted as well.  This is the eugenicist’s ultimate wet dream.  It is the perfect way to reduce unwanted populations where the population does not even know that genocide is being perpetuated against them!  Perhaps many millions of pregnancies were aborted in this way without our knowledge.  We just figure we are getting infertile because there are too many of us.  It is kind of like we don’t know what the banks are doing with our money.  In the same way we don’t know what the doctors might be putting in our vaccines.  I wonder how long we are going to put up with this.
     This is probably the ultimate way to run a war.  Modern warfare today is very expensive because the enemies tend to run away from bullets and sometimes shoot back.  How much easier it would be if you could kill them in utero or even before without anybody knowing.
     My next question is, could or have scientist come up with a partial anti-fertility vaccine that prevents some pregnancies but not others?  Perhaps this is consciously or unconsciously being done with the estrogen mimicking compounds we are drowning ourselves in.  It is probably stopping some couples from reproducing but not all couples.  On the other hand, Dr. David Ayoub claims scientists are also working on a anti fertility vaccine that uses viruses to produce anti bodies for hCG.  The virus injected through the vaccine would take over the machinery of some of your cells say in a muscle somewhere and produce

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the anti bodies of the hCG.  Once the virus got the cellular machinery working producing anti bodies against pregnancy it would work until menopause!  Just one more piece of data that shows that many countries throughout the world have declining populations by which I mean the native population is no longer producing enough babies to replace the people that are dying.
    The U.N. now provides a world fertility report showing the rate of growth for every countries population in the world.  If the link does not work then google World Fertility Report 2003 or for whatever year you would like.  The countries are listed alphabetically.  To get a quick snap shot of any country’s rate of growth go to the graph that is labeled Total Fertility Rate.  A country that has a stable population that neither grows or shrinks will have a growth rate of approximately 2.1.  This means each couple has 2.1 children.  The .1 is the % of children that do not make it to reproductive age to reproduce.  If couples have less than 2.1 then the population is shrinking.  If they have more than the population is growing.  If you look at the industrial countries, they are not replacing population.  Their numbers are shrinking.  Africa’s rates of growth over all are huge.  Asia, Central and South America growth rates are less but still increasing.  However if you look at the rates of growth in the countries over time, the rates of growth in most areas excluding Africa and other countries in the Middle East have seen dramatic drops in their rates of growth!
     One final thought on implanting altered gut bacteria through an oral anti fertility vaccine.  Once such a bacterium was introduced into the human gut could its spread be stopped?  I wonder because once I read about the herpes simplex virus.  One strain causes the herpes spread through sexual contact.  The other strain is found around the ends of the lips in every human on the planet once they have been here a few days.  It causes the blister sores that people get if they are under too much stress.  Newborns do not have the virus but eventually their parents or other family members spread it to them. 
     My point in all of this is to show you that unless you monitor what people do with your money or what people do with your vaccines, given technology today quite a bit of evil mischief can be perpetuated against you and yours.  Did you get your flu shot?

Over 70% of Aids Transmission in Africa May be Caused by Unsafe Hospital Practice or the Virus was Injected by Contaminated Needles
It is assumed that those who get aids do so because of sex with infected partners, exchange of contaminated needles or children get the aids at birth from an infected mother.  In this series of studies of Africans the authors noted many people in Africa who were not sexually active or were sexually active with monogamous partners that were HIV negative somehow contracted the disease.  

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In addition, many young children whose mothers were HIV negative still somehow contracted the disease.  The article concluded that many of these unfortunate people contracted the virus though unsafe hospital practices or were injected with contaminated hospital needles.  It was not mentioned but another possibility could be vaccinations that many of these people are subjected to might also be contaminated with the aids virus.

In an article related to the above, these researchers claim that only 30% of the aids spread through sexual transmission.  The rest they believe is the result of unsafe medical practices such as using unsterilized needles over and over without sterilizing them.  Another interesting fact about aids in Africa is usually sexually transmitted diseases are more common among the poor and uneducated.  In Africa HIV is linked to urban living, a good education and higher income.

 Initial Congressional and Federal Drug Administration Testimony Stated that Mercury Containing Vaccines were or Could be Harmful  
According to some sources Mercury was added to vaccines because Mercury inhibits and sometimes kills cilia in the Fallopian tubes that help move sperm toward the egg.  Mercury also slows down the motion of the sperm’s tail so their speed slows down.  If this is the case, then mercury would inhibit fertilization.  Others claim that mercury in vaccinations causes other health and neurological problems the chief among them is autism in children.  The reason stated most often for the addition of mercury to vaccines is that it preserves the vaccine from contamination from other sources.  Here is what Senator Burton from the House Committee on Government Reform had to say on May 20, 2003 in the Congressional Record.
     Thimerosal used as a preservative in vaccines is likely related to the autism epidemic.  The epidemic in all probability could have been prevented or curtailed had the FDA not been asleep at the switch regarding the lack of safety data regarding the injection of thimerosal and the sharp rise of infant exposure to this known neurotoxin.  Our public health agencies failure to act is indicative of institutional malfeasance for self protection and misplaced protection of the pharmaceutical industry.
     One of the theories Dr. Youb expresses in his video as far the reason for Mercury laced vaccines is that the CDC and pharmaceutical companies already know of the dangers of mercury but if they admit it they open themselves to massive liability problems so to protect their wealth and their workers, they intend to cover up any wrong doing as long as they can.
     Congressman Dave Weldon, Republican from Florida expresses similar sentiments in his quote at the Autism One Conference in Chicago Illinois on May 29, 2004.
     …the litigation will be gigantic, the settlements in the hundreds of billions of dollars and hundreds, perhaps thousands of careers… will be sullied, some careers will be ruined, destroyed, never recovered

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     On July 9,1999 the Federal Drug Administration sent the following to the pharmaceutical companies.
     There is a significant safety margin incorporated into all the acceptable mercury exposure limits.  Furthermore there is no data or evidence of any harm caused by the level of exposure that some children may have encountered.  Nevertheless, because any potential risk is of concern, the Public Health Service (PHS) the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), and vaccine manufacturers agree that thimerosal containing vaccines should be removed as soon as possible.
     On July 16, 2001 The Institute of Medicine The Immunization Review committee basically said they could not find a relationship between mercury and these health problems although biologically the mercury could cause these problems.  They recommended that thimerosal containing vaccines should be avoided if possible.
     On May 7, 2004 it was concluded that no relationship existed between mercury and children’s health problems so that factor should not be considered when deciding to use or not use vaccines with thimerosal.  Soon after that flu shots were recommended for almost all Americans including very young children and pregnant women.

Eli Lilly Website Discusses Safety Data for Thimerosal (mercury containing compound or substance) and E.U. Regulations
I did check out a Eli Lilly and Company website discussing safety data for Thimerosal.  Eli Lilly is one large American pharmaceutical company. Thimerosal may be safe but it sure does seem to be dangerous.  Here is some information about thimerosal that can be found at this linkl.  My notes or comments I put in italics

·      Chemical Name: Mercurate(1-), ethyl[2-(mercapto-kappaS)benzoato(2-)-kappaO]-, sodium Chemical Family: Organomercurial salt Chemical Formula: C9 H9 Hg O S2 . Na
·      Thimerosal contains 49.6% w/w organically-bound mercury.
·      Effects of Overexposure: Topical allergic dermatitis has been reported. Thimerosal contains mercury. Mercury poisoning may occur and topical hypersensitivity reactions may be seen. Early signs of mercury poisoning in adults are nervous system effects, including narrowing of the visual field and numbness in the extremities. Exposure to mercury in utero and in children may cause mild to severe mental retardation and mild to severe motor coordination impairment. Based on animal data, may be irritating to the eyes.

Other Effects: Thimerosal - Decreased weight gain.
·      Chronic Exposure can have the following effects. Thimerosol is a mercuric compound. Toxicity data for thimerosal and mercury are presented.
·      Target Organ Effects:
·      Thimerosal - Kidney effects (tubule necrosis), lung effects (tissue changes). Mercury - Nervous system effects (insomnia, tremor, anorexia, weakness, headache), liver effects (jaundice, digestive effects (hypermotility, diarrhea).

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·      Reproduction: Thimerosal - Decreased offspring survival. Mercury - Changes in sperm production, decreased offspring survival, and offspring nervous system effects including mild to severe mental retardation and motor coordinati

U.S regulations indicated various regulations passed that apply to thimerosal while EU regulations deem it highly toxic and dangerous.
EU Regulations
EC Classification
T+ (Very Toxic) N (Dangerous for the Environment)
Risk Phrases
R 26/27/28 - Very toxic by inhalation, in contact with skin and if swallowed. R 33 - Danger of cumulative effects. R 50/53 - Very toxic to aquatic organisms, may cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment.
Safety Phrases
·      S 13 - Keep away from food, drink and animal feedingstuffs. S 28 - After contact with skin, wash immediately. S 36 - Wear suitable protective clothing.

All the above information and more can be found at the link listed at the beginning of this section.

Government Agencies Warn of Exposures to Mercury
     There is no question that mercury exposure is dangerous.  Here is a quote from an EPA proposal to regulate emissions from power plants updated February 19, 2004. Mercury threatens public health: The League is concerned because we know that excessive levels of mercury in maternal blood supplies are causing fetal developmental damage now. According to the Centers for Disease Control, one in 12 women of childbearing age in the U.S. have unsafe levels of mercury in her blood. This means that approximately 300,000 children are born each year with a heightened risk for neurological and developmental problems related to mercury exposure. Even more recently, EPA estimated that as many as 630,000 children may be born each year with unhealthy levels of mercury in their blood. The effects linked to prenatal exposure to high levels of methylmercury include impaired memory, inability to process and recall information, and impaired visual and motor function.      

    Here is a table from the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection listing the amount of mercury that a full grown adult should be exposed to in a given day
Table 5-2
Limits for Allowable Mercury Intakes
Revised USEPA Chronic Oral Reference Dose (1995)

0.001 mg/kg/day
ATSDR draft allowable daily oral intakes:

for acute duration exposure:

0.007 mg/kg/day

for intermediate duration exposure

0.002 mg/kg/day
0.00012 mg/kg/day

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This table and other information about regulations on mercury exposure can be found at 
Unfortunately the table above and table below use different measuring criteria.  So I am not sure how to compare the data

Here is an interesting table taken from Dr. David Youb’s video which he claimed to get the numbers from EPA data regarding maximum recommended daily exposure to mercury.

Mercury Containing Flu Shots* In Early Childhood will exceed the EPA Guidelines for Daily Mercury Exposure
Average Weight
For Age
Maximum Allowed
Mercury for Average
Weight for Age
Mercury in
Flu Shot
Factor Over
EPA Limits
1.0 kg**
0.01 mcg
25 mcg
6 months
7.7 kg
0.77 mcg
12.5 mcg
12 months
10.5 kg
1.05 mcg
12.5 mcg
24 months
12.3 kg
1.23 mcg
12.5 mcg
36 months
14.5 kg
1.45 mcg
25 mcg
4 yr
16.3 kg
1.63 mcg
25 mcg
6 yr
20.5 kg
2.05 mcg
25 mcg
70 kg
7 mcg
25 mcg

* Based on EPA RfD, (0.1mcg/kg)
** Example on 28 week gestation

In the Following Table Dr. Youb asks if the present EPA exposure limit for mercury is too high?

New mcg/
Kg/per day

Stern 1993

Gilbert and
Grant Webster
.025 - .06

Rice 2004
No threshold
low enough

Murata 2004
No threshold
low enough

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I did get a flu shot without thimerosal I was not offered a choice nor did I know I had a choice to receive a vaccine that did not contain Thimerosal.  I only wondered because when I answered the questions on a paper to determine if I should get a flu shot I saw a sentence stating, “Let your doctor know if you are allergic to Thimerosal, rubber, latex or other substances in the vaccine.”  Reading that paragraph I realized that a choice was implied so I mentioned that I was uncomfortable receiving a vaccine with Thimerosal.  The pharmacist indicated that I could get a vaccine without thimerosal but she would have to change my prescription so I had to wait around about 10 or 15 minutes while she changed the paper work.  Here is some other interesting statements given to me in a paper after I received my flu shot.
·      Some brands of the vaccine contain Thimerosal but they do not describe what is in thimerosal.  They just let you know that it is a preservative.
·      Some brands of the vaccine contain rubber, latex, polymixin or neomycin.
·      Caution is advised when using this medicine (vaccine) with children because they maybe more sensitive to this medicine experiencing more fevers, muscle pain and body discomfort.
·      Check with your doctor before getting vaccinated while being pregnant.  It is not known if the vaccine will be excreted in breast milk.

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in Jully 1999 released a joint press conference concerning Thimerosal in vaccines.  Thimerosal (Sodium ehylmercurithiosalicylate) contains some 50% mercury, used as a preservative.  It’s function is to prevent bacterial infections of vaccines and is considered highly effective in doing so.  However, such vaccines may have small health impacts that are far less than not getting the vaccine.  However, because there is risk to the vaccines it is recommended that thimerosal be eliminated from vaccines as soon as possible.

Bill Gates Implies Vaccines Could be Utilized as Population Control
Bill Gates seems to imply that vaccines can be used for population control early in the below video. Stating that the global population was heading towards 9 billion, Gates said, “If we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services (abortion), we could lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 per cent.”  This seems to imply that vaccines will somehow be used as a form of population control.
 Here is the unedited video where Bill Gates spoke in front of a TED audience.  The video is near the bottom of the link.  If the link is changed then you can go to and type in the title under search: Bill Gates: Use Vaccines to Lower population.  In fact, if

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you google that title you will be taken to many websites.  Here is the link to the TED video.

Gates funding Sweat Triggered Anti-fertility Vaccine
According to Gates is funding Carlos Alberto Guzman of the Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research in Germany to develop a sweat triggered vaccine delivery system based on the use of nanoparticles penetrating human skin through hair follicles.  The particles would burst upon contact with the sweat to release the vaccines. 
     Such a system of vaccinations could be covertly administered to secretly generate mass sterilizations by itself or people could be overtly be vaccinated for something else while covertly being sterilized as allegedly was the case with the tetanus vaccines in Mexico, Nicaragua and the Philippines.  Vaccines could be employed with a spray mists perhaps as individuals walk through airport checkpoints or it could be unleashed in ventilation systems of large buildings.  According to the author at the above link, this technology could also be inserted into skin creams.  In the near future you might buy sunscreen and without your knowledge you might also be receiving nanoparticles that will release vaccines that you would not be aware of!
     This technology represents a grave threat to your health freedom.  You may not think that our government would be capable of taking such extreme actions in relation to our health without our input but the precedent for this kind of action was set long ago!  In the 1940ties according to Wikipedia the U.S. government without our consent started fluoridating much of our citizen’s drinking water see   If you google fluoride in our drinking water you will see literally hundreds of websites that claim that fluoridating drinking water is unhealthy and very few that take the opposite position. Here is some more information about Gates plan from the Financial Sense

Ultrasound on Scrotums to Keep Men Infertile Up to Six Months Funded by Gates Foundation
Another strategy for population control also funded by the Gates Foundation is to use ultrasound to the scrotums of men that would keep them infertile up to 6 months.  See / as well as

Are you eating a Gasoline Additive?
Soy is not good for most people.  It can cause mineral deficiencies and hormonal imbalances.  It can turn men into women.  It is also processed with a gasoline additive, hexane that is the substance that causes gasoline to explode.  The soy industry is very powerful so the FDA has not evaluated the effects of ingesting hexane.  Also most soy on the market in the U.S. comes from genetically modified seed produced by Monsanto.  The effects of ingesting genetically modified food has not been studied either. From: Al Sears, MD 

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<>  It might be useful as one of the many toxins we ingest to help reduce human population.  This also reminds me of the stories I heard that Dairy Queen use to add anti-freeze to the ice cream they served.  I have no idea if it was true.

Frank Fenner, emeritus professor of microbiology at the Australian National University and the man who helped eradicate smallpox Predicts Our Demise
WE humans are about to be wiped out in a few decades. The grandchildren of many of us will not live to old age.
Hear it from Frank Fenner, emeritus professor of microbiology at the Australian National University and the man who helped eradicate smallpox.  Blame it on global warming.  The only "global warming" that will occur will be when these SADISTIC SATANISTS turn on HAARP to heat up the ionosphere.  This is one woman’s opinion.  I concur the technology may exist to create Global Warming even if we got rid of all the excess carbon dioxide!  If the link becomes unavailable then google, Our own extinction is forecast, but he's going by dead reckoning   Article by Andrew Bolt on June 18, 2010 at 12:00 A.M. 
Could Increasing Use of Vaccines, GMO’s and Other                  Chemicals Cause Rise in Chronic Illness and Infertility?
     If you look on page 52 in the file Trends Toward a New World Order, various FDA scientists express concerns about allowing farmers to grow genetically engineered foods (GMO’s) primarily because they did not know what the impact would be on human health or the environment.  Various articles in this file, U.N. in the New World Order, also raise concerns about chemicals, GMO’s and vaccines.  A few scientists have raised 2 concerns regarding chemicals, GMO foods and vaccines I will address here. Some scientists believe certain chemicals, GMO foods and vaccines impair the immune system and increase infertility.
     One way to explore these possibilities would be to observe chronic illness rates over time especially those types of illnesses that involve the immune system.  Overall from what brief research I have done chronic illness rates are increasing rapidly with the possible exception of cancer.  It is probably way too early to firmly establish that chemicals, vaccines or GMO foods impair the immune system or impair human fertility but I think this hypothesis needs to be considered, discussed and studied!
     According to the American Cancer Society, cancer deaths among men declined 21% and among women they declined 12.3% between 1991 and 2006.  The rate of incidents of new cancers also decreased.  Among men there was a 1.3% per year from 2000 until 2006.  Women’s cancers have decreased 0.5% per year from 1998-2006!   Something I could not find but would be interested in would be cancer rates prior to open testing of atomic weapons and

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what happened after the open air testing ban.  Of all the data I found on chronic diseases, cancer was the one area where substantial progress is being made!  

The Milken Institute published a detailed study in 2007 projecting what will happen if present trends in the rates of chronic illnesses continued through 2023.  The report is called An Unhealthy America: The Economic Burden of Chronic Disease Charting a New Course to Save Lives and Increase Productivity and Economic Growth.  After stating some dire predictions they offer solutions to turn us around.  They projected that the rates of 7 chronic conditions would increase by the following percentages if we do not change course: cancers, 62%; mental disorders, 54%; diabetes, 53%; heart disease, 41%; hypertension, 39%; pulmonary conditions, 31% and stroke 29%.   The visual graph of the above figures can be seen on page 11.  
Why is the incidence of autoimmune diseases increasing in the modern world?   Cleanliness might play a role.
     The following information on chronic conditions and chronic diseases was taken from the CDC website.
·      ½ of all adults have at least 1 chronic condition.  In this case some of these conditions may be asymptomatic so people don’t know they have the condition.  It did not specify how many have symptomatic verses asymptomatic chronic conditions.
·      1/3 of adults are obese.  1/5 of children are obese between the ages of 6-19.  Obesity is a prominent factor in diabetes as well as other conditions..
·      Arthritis is the most common disability in the U.S.  19 million Americans have limitations in their ability to move as a result of arthritis.  Many scientists believe that arthritis is an auto-immune disorder!
·      Diabetes is the leading cause of kidney failure.
·      Most chronic conditions can be avoided or their severity lessened by life style changes.  Exercise, proper nutrition, and limited or no tobacco or alcohol consumption.
By 2020, about 157 million Americans will be afflicted by chronic illnesses, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human ServicesChronic Care in America

Arthritis rates are increasing and two major causes are obesity and the lack of vitamin D.  Recent emphasis on using sunscreen or avoiding the sun altogether may have backfired in this case!
From 1980-2009 crude prevalence of diagnosed diabetes increased by 164%
U.S. Diabetes rate climbs above 11%; it could hit 15% by 2015 according to Gallop-Healthways Well Being Index.  Americans who are obese are 3X more likely to be diagnosed with diabetes.  I have read that some scientists believe that diabetes is also an autoimmune disorder where the immune system eventually destroys the part of the pancreas that produces insulin.  This destruction results in diabetes.

MS Rates Increasing Over Time Especially in Women.  Is it Increasing Because of Better Diagnostic Techniques?/CBS News.

MS Society/MS rates not increasing.
Before discussing the data, some cautions need to be explored when considering the rates of allergies over time.  First, societal and scientific definitions of allergies differ and also governments are slow to implement policies concerning allergies.  Part of the cause for allergies might be the availability of food from all around the world.  Since international standards for allergies have not been set many researchers focus on cases of severe life threatening allergies (anaphylaxis) instead of less severe forms of allergies so this also affects the types of data in studies.  Here is a link to this pubmed article called Food allergies on the rise?  Determining the prevalence of food allergies, and how quickly it is increasing, is the first step in tackling the problem.

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Keeping the above in mind, according to CDC data, food allergies among children have increased over time and this trend is also occurring in other countries.  The CDC stated that part of the reason for this increase could be better diagnostic capabilities and or it could be that people are more knowledgeable about allergies so children are more likely to be referred to doctors.  I include the data also because according to the CDC, allergies of all forms are an immune disorder.  Here are some findings
·      In 2007, approximately 3 million children under age 18 years (3.9%) were reported to have a food   or digestive allergy in the previous 12 months.
·      From 1997 to 2007, the prevalence of reported food allergy increased 18% among children under age 18 years.
·      Children with food allergy are two to four times more likely to have other related conditions such as asthma and other allergies, compared with children without food allergies.
·      From 1998 until 2006 the number of children admitted to hospitals with allergy conditions more than tripled from approximately 2,016 average cases from 1998 to 2000 to and average of 9,537 cases per year from 2004-2006!! Here is the title and link to the CDC website. Food Allergies Among Children Becoming More Common Over Time

The Allergy Epidemic A Look At the Facts

Allergies Statistics Around the World  Allergies Relationships to Vaccinations   Some Findings
·      1 in 20 Australians suffer from potentially fatal Food Allergies.  This is highest rate in the world.  Greatest increase in children 5 and ½ times increase in hospital admissions between 1994-2005. Data published in the October issue of the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (2007;120:878-84).
·      Between 3% and 4% of Canadian adults, and nearly 6 % of children suffer from food allergies. The American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology estimates that from 2 to 4% of children and 1 to 2% of adults have allergic reactions to food
·      In France, data compiled by the team of Dr. Moneret-Vautrin estimate that 3% the population suffer from food allergies. It is more common (4 to 8.5%) in children of preschoo age.
·      Two percent to 3 percent of the German population has food allergies. The prevalence in children is 3 percent to 6 percent, but can be up to 30 percent in high-risk groups, such as children with eczema.
·      In Greece, About 6% -8% of infants and young children and approximately 4% of adults have an allergy to some food.

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·      Children in India for some time, in the case of asthma, visits are increasing. According to reports published in India every fourth child is suffering from an allergy infection.
·      In Japan, a study by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare (MHLW) reported that about 7% of population had some form of food allergy. [That's 8.75 million - bfg] Among the patients who visited hospitals with food allergies 80% were young children, 9% were adults, and 11 % of the patients had the experience of life-threatening anaphylaxis shock. 
·      Of late, food allergies have become an increasingly serious problem, not only among children but also among adults. According to the Ministry of Health and Welfare, about 10% of Japan’s population suffers from food allergies of one kind or another.                                        
·      New Zealand has one of the lowest vaccination rates among the developed world.  It also has one of the lowest allergy rates in its population.    - broken link
·      In the United States, allergic disease is the 5th leading chronic disease in the U.S. among all ages, and the 3rd common chronic disease among children under 18 years old.   In the last twenty years, we have seen an epidemic increase in allergies, asthma, ADHD and autism, including a:
Ø 400% increase in food allergies
Ø 300% increase in asthma, with a 56% increase in asthma deaths
Ø 400% increase in ADHD
Ø and between a 1,500 and 6,000% increase in autism.

Asthma rates increasing in U.S., despite less smoking and decreased air pollution [Updated/Los Angeles Times/5/4/2011,0,866950.story   Here are some significant findings according to the CDC.
·      1 in 12 people in the United States now have asthma approximately 24.6 million people and increase of 4.3 million people since 2001.
·      By 2007 costs for treatment of people with the condition totaled approximately 56 billion.
·      The quality of the outside air is improving and there is a decrease in smoking so we do not know why the rates for asthma are going up according to Ileana Arias, the principal deputy director of the CDC said at a news conference.
·      Researchers have changed the way they measure the incidence of asthma in the 1990ties but they still know, there has been an increasing incidence of asthma over the last several decades according to Paul Garbe, chief of the CDC's air pollution and respiratory health branch.

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Thyroid Cancers Increasing, in fact, according to new data from the National Cancer Institute (NCI), thyroid cancer diagnoses have increased at a rate of 6.5 percent a year from 1997 to 2006.  Scientists don't know why.

The incidence of Crohn’s Disease increasing over time.

I read some other abstracts indicating that auto-immune disorders are increasing in the developed world.  Some believe that our cleanliness habits may contribute to the disorders.  Here is one that stated that auto-immune disorders are increasing in the developing world especially Europe and the United States.

Arizona Daily Star CDC: 1 in 64 Kids in Arizona have Autism.  U.S. rate is 1 in 88, a significant increase over a year.  Researcher claims increase in rates maybe because of better screening or broader definition of autism.  However they are unable to rule out other causal factors such as the environment or genetics.

To summarize the above, it seems that rates of immune disorders such as arthritis, diabetes and various forms of allergies have been rising.  Conclusive evidence of why they are rising is not known.

 Fertility Over Time         Fertility Rates in Countries Throughout the World Note that primarily poor and Muslim countries have very high rates of population growth while developed countries are not replacing their native populations.  Instead native populations are shrinking!
     Some Surprising Findings Concerning Population Control
     The links listed below provide a view of population issues I have not seen either on the mainline news or on the internet but fascinating nevertheless.  The Planned Parenthood website provides a little history of what life was like when women had few rights and no access to contraceptive information.  The other link discusses some surprising findings of what happens when women gain control over their reproductive health.
     In 1877 the Comstock Laws amended the Postal Code banning the mailing of any kind of pornography or information about contraception through the mail.  Two concerns lead to this laws passage.  America was rapidly changing from an agrarian to an industrial society with the influx of many immigrants.  The dominant culture felt that many of these immigrants were far too promiscuous.  Specifically sex before marriage and outside of marriage was increasing far too fast for these critics.  In addition the upper class worried about the fertility of the lower classes whom were reproducing far more quickly than they.  Birth trends between the classes remain the same today!
     Before the start of Planned Parenthood in 1916, women did not have the right to vote, they could not own property, divorce or control the number of children that they had.  It was a long bitter struggle for them to gain these rights.  Fast forward about 100 years and women do have these rights at least in the industrial nations.  However in the Journal Review of Population and Social Policy in an article titled –Replacement Fertility in the European Union (EU-15) Facts and Policies 1960-1997, there are some surprising findings.  First as can be seen in various U.N. 

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documents native populations of industrialized developed nations are shrinking.  If that trend continues in a few generations they will cease to exist.  The second finding is more startling.  In countries like Spain and Italy with strong male dominated societies the rate of shrinkage is quite high.  In various northern European nations like Norway and Sweden the rate dropped as in the other developed nations but then their rates of growth increased placing the growth rate near replacement levels.  The study found that in countries like Sweden and Norway women who chose to have children get more financial support from their societies where as in countries like Spain and Italy women get less support for having children so many simply chose not to have any. 
    This leads to some startling conclusions.  If you want high rates of population growth to take over the world then keep women in subjugation, eliminate their access to contraception and keep then ignorant and uneducated.  From a western perspective many Islamic nations still do that and those countries have the highest rate of population growth on the planet.  However, if you are a developed nation that practices equality between the genders if you want to maintain your populations at replacement levels women need to have financial support and security or they will not enough children to maintain the nation’s population
Here is an abstract of the article.  I can no longer find it on line. 65:20177 Chesnais, Jean-Claude. Below-replacement fertility in the European Union (EU-15): facts and policies, 1960-1997. Review of Population and Social Policy, No. 7, 1998. 83-101 pp. Tokyo, Japan. In Eng. 
Fertility trends in the 15 countries that now make up the European Union are reviewed over the period 1960-1997, with the emphasis on the trend toward below-replacement fertility and its consequences. The author notes that although the desired number of children in the European Union is about 2.1, the total fertility rate is only 1.4, and that this means there is a latent demand for family support and for measures designed to help people have more children. "In countries where family support is better...the gap between the ideal and the real family size is narrow, whereas in societies where family support is minimal...this gap is maximal. This is the essence of the present feminist paradox: feminism and pronatalism work together; in societies that alleviate the burden of working...mothers, the fertility rate is higher than in societies where traditional roles prevail. Two basic measures have a decisive impact: the implementation of parental leave and the allocation of pension benefits to parents for each child."
Correspondence: J.-C. Chesnais, Institut National d'Etudes Démographiques, 133 boulevard Davout, 75980 Paris Cedex 20, France. Location: Princeton University Library (SPR).  I found this at the following link
Kids Account for less of U.S. Population, Not a Good Sign
Infertility to Double in Europe in Next Decade According to BBC Report   There are two primary causes.  One is obesity in women that impairs effective ovulation.  The other is women putting off pregnancy until their 30ties or later.  According to research women’s best time to become pregnant is their late teens until their early 20ties.  However in most industrialized nations they are waiting until their late 20ties or 30ties.

Central Intelligence Country Comparison/Total Fertility Rate  This site is interesting because it compares the average number of children each woman in a given country is likely to have in her life time using 2010 or 2011 data.  A country is replacing its population if each women has between 2 to 2.1 children.  Below that number and the country’s population is declining.  Industrialized nations especially in Europe, Eastern Europe and Japan over all have declining populations.  Africa and Islamic nations over all have increasing populations.  In the U.S. for 2011, an average women has 2.06 children in a life time.  However most of the gain is in the Hispanic populations.  The Anglo population is not replacing itself.  
Population world wide is decreasing and decreasing faster in the developed world.  As far as I can tell, not many scientists believe that infertility is affected that much by vaccines, chemicals or GMO foods although over time as these factors increase perhaps they will be recognized as factors that increase infertility.

Other Disabling Chronic Conditions

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About one in four adults suffer from a diagnosable mental disorder in a given year;
Kessler RC, Chiu WT, Demler O, Walters EE. Prevalence, severity, and comorbidity of twelve-month DSM-IV disorders in the National Comorbidity Survey Replication (NCS-R). Archives of General Psychiatry, 2005 Jun;62(6):617-27.

96% of them live with an illness that is invisible. These people do no use a cane or any assistive device and may look perfectly healthy. 2002 US Census Bureau

The Changing Rate of Major Depression  It seems to be increasing over time

This article is probably a summary of the above article

QuickStats: Rate* of Hospitalization for Depression Among Persons Aged 5--19 Years, by Sex --- United States, 1990--1992 and 2002—2004   CDC study available SOURCE: National Hospital Discharge Survey annual data files for 1990, 1991, 1992, 2002, 2003, and 2004. Available at

One possibility for increasing rates of chronic illness often overlooked might also be depreciating fertility of soils that farmers grow food on.  Others speculate that our life styles are conducive to these types of illness.  For millions or hundreds of thousands of years we hunted and wandered and many of us spent thousands of years farming as well.  The point is we were out in the sun, exercising and moving around a lot attached to the land and the rhythms of nature.  Many of us have strayed for from that life style today.

Whistleblower: Are Corporations (DynCorp) and Top U.N. Officials Covering up or Supporting the Sex Trade From National Public Radio’s Dianne Rehm Show 1,11, 2011.
Here is a summary of the interview. “In the late 1990s Kathyrn Bolkovac -- a Nebraska police investigator changed jobs to work in Bosnia working as a human rights investigator for a defense contractor.   She expected a good salary, travel and a chance to help a war torn country.  She never imagined her inquiries into sex trafficking and prostitution rings would result in her dismissal and lead all the way to the U.N., and endanger her life. Here are highlights from the interview.
·      Here story is being made into a major movie called Whistleblower that will be out in the theaters in the summer of 2011.  She has also written a new book called, “The Whistleblower.

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·      She had previously worked in the Nebraska Police force for 10 years and decided it was time for a change.  She was hired by DynCorp to go into Bosnia and train their police forces how to function in a democratic society.  DynCorp a private contractor had various roles during the time the U.N. was attempting to establish peace in the war torn country.
·      There is one women who represents the plight of many women in Bosnia.  She had been beaten and stabbed by her husband on numerous occasions and sent to the hospital several times.  The police would investigate then send her home.  There are no laws against domestic violence in this country.  One of my jobs was to show the police there is a different way to remedy this situation.  It was a huge development but the man was finally found guilty.
·      The story really begins when a young women held by her trafficker, a bar owner, escaped when he was involved in an incident with a local police detective.   Kathryn recalls the woman was about 17 when she came to the human rights office where Kathryn was working.  She escaped while the bartender was beating a local police officer for extortion. She had been picked up from one of the Eastern European countries.  She spoke a different language so realizing this she started repeating one word in a very thick accent over and over, Florida, Florida, Florida.  This was the name of the bar where she came from.
·      Once Kathryn Bolkovac arrived at the Florida bar with police, they began their investigation with several rooms upstairs.  She opened a silver box that looked like a gun box and found hundreds of American dollars and several foreign passports of young women bundled together with rubber bands.  She realized then something was wrong.  She remembered an incident during her training when a boisterous man came out of the pool telling everyone where he could find really nice 12-15 year olds.  At this point she had a bad feeling that more was happenin here.  
·      She and the police started walking the premises and found the staircase on the side of the building, with a locked door at the top on the outside of the house on the 2nd floor.  After busting down the door they found seven young women huddled together on bare mattresses on the floor. Condoms were strung over the garbage can, along with plastic bags of their street clothes and working clothes.  They had been beaten and were terrified”.  Katherine suspected that the girls were probably between the ages of 15-20.  She found a notebook on the premises that recorded all the times the girls provided services to the clients.
·      She next described how these women became sex slaves. Many were offered nice jobs.  Some of them knew that they were to work as dancers, barmaids or even prostitutes, but none knew they're going to have their passports taken away, held captive, not fed, beaten and not allowed to leave.  One of the callers explained how she was almost kidnapped perhaps for sex slavery in Britain or France.  She described while she was in Europe in 1977 and looked very young, everyone warned her not to stay in the British hostels because it was well known that girls were kidnapped and sold into the sex trade.  She walked down the street one day when a very well dressed man stopped her either in France or Britain.  He insisted on talking to her showing her identification and claiming to work for the UN. He held onto her arm tighter and tighter in broad daylight.  She grabbed on to the arm of another man just to get away!
·      She then goes on to describe how some of the workers at DynCorp were involved “She knew that they were involved because individuals told her that they had bought women from local bars, not just to use as prostitutes, but to keep them in their homes for long periods of time. In one particular incident 

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      occurring in the December before she was fired, but after being demoted from her prior position at main headquarters, a man gave her a ride home. He was a coworker and a co duty officer at the station where she worked
·      He told her his girl friend had left and she inquired about it and discovered that he had brought her from the local trafficker for 6,000 Deutschmarks from one of the Eastern European countries.  He began whimpering that he wanted to marry her and take her home but at least he wanted his cell phone back. She was amazed that police officers came to the mission with that kind of attitude.   The U.N. and the mission were well aware of this trafficker and his activities. She was also aware that many in the international community were not only visiting brothels but actually falsifying documents so they could transport women into the country to keep as sex slaves at home.  This wasn't the first incident.”
·      She reported these various incidents to the human rights commissioners at her mission who were both employees of DynCorp and the U.N.  “…So for example, the deputy commissioner of the mission was an American, a DynCorp employee. The head of the mission, Jacque Paul Cline, the special representative to Kofi Annan was also an American General. So yes, they were all made fully aware of these allegations and evidence.  Kofi Annan was the highest ranking leader of the U.N., the Secretary General!
·      When she was asked if the Secretary of the U.N. at the time Kofi Annan knew about the sex trade, she felt that he must know since this stuff had been happening at the missions for several years. She did not have any direct contact with Kofi Annan, however, she spoke with Angela King who was in charge of women's issues the week she was forced from Bosnia.  She was sure this woman reported back to Kofi Annan.
·      Kathyrn Bolkovac later sent an email to coworkers, various supervisors and supervisors of various U.N. missions detailing facts from her investigations.  Responses were mixed.  Many of her coworkers and immediate supervisors were extremely supportive.   Her immediate supervisor then called her in and informed her that Michael Styers, who was the deputy commissioner, DynCorp employee and American, wanted her fired along with the State Department.   Kathryn was demoted and four months later she was fired according to DynCorp she had falsified her timesheet.  At some point friends warned her that her life might be in danger.
·      She found out DynCorp always contracted work from foreign companies and in her case Britain so she sued in their courts to regain her reputation believing she was falsely accused of tampering with her timesheet and gross misconduct without being given any due process.  She won in court and received about 170,000 British pounds, one of the highest awards ever given in the UK for an Employment Tribunal case.
·      Another email claimed that this type of behavior continued after she left.  DynCorp was invited to send a representative to the show but they did not.  They did send a statement claiming that sex trafficking allegations had and were continuing to be investigated. Bolkovac claimed that DynCorp, the State Department, and the U.N. did not investigate because if they did they would have called her because she had the vast majority of the cases, files and case files on the subject that she submitted to the Tribunal.
The following are comments from callers to the show I found interesting.
·      One caller mentioned that others authors like Cathy O'Brien and Mark Phillips published similar works.

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·      This caller asked did you try to contact the Secretary of the Department of State at the time, does DynCorp still work for the Department of State and is DynCorp still have contracts doing human rights work?  She answered yes to all the questions. At the time, Madeleine Albright was the Secretary of State and she was informed of these allegations and investigations that were going on through actual State Department memos that Kathryn has and utilized in her court files.  DynCorp participates in police missions around the world…
·      Here is a link to the transcript of the interview.  Here is a link to the audio interview.  Once you get to the link look on the top left side of the page and click on the tab that says listen.

DynCorp Pays Fine for Filing Inflated Claims for Police Training
Today April 22, 2011 ABC News reported this that badly reflects on DynCorp integrity.  I quote this from the article.  “Leading U.S. contractor DynCorp International has agreed to pay $7.7 million to settle a lawsuit alleging it submitted false claims for a State Department civilian police training program in Iraq…Falls Church, Va.-based DynCorp was accused of submitting inflated claims for construction of container camps throughout Iraq.”
This fine probably won’t slow down the company much since in 2010 their profits were up 32% from calendar year 2009 to 3.4 billion, according to their press release. 
Halliburton Subsidiary, Kellogg, Brown & Root Alleged to Engage in Human Sex Trade. According to John Miller the director of the State Departments Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons, his office is working with Department of Defense officers in Asia and the Middle East to investigate the issues brought to life by the Pipeline to Peril series published by The Tribune in October of 2005.
Here is the link to the Pipe Line to Peril series of articles written by the Chicago Tribune.,0,7162366.special   If you google this you will find many articles but few covered by main stream press.  A Council on Foreign Relations Symposium mentioned Halliburton’s alleged involvement in paragraph 25 or 26.

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Further Information on Global Sex Trade From CNN
·      An estimated two million women and children are sold into the sex trade every year, the U.S. research group Protection Project states.
·      A report by the Protection Project, based at Johns Hopkins University, in Baltimore, Maryland, has documented the rising trends in the sex slave trade. Up to 120,000 women are smuggled into Western Europe, mainly from central and eastern Europe, and forced into prostitution.  It says more than 15,000 women are trafficked into the United States every year, many of them young girls from Mexico. The project also claims that Asian women are sold to brothels in North America for $16,000 each. Almost 200,000 girls from Nepal, many of them under the age of 14, are working as sex slaves in India. An estimated 10,000 women from the former Soviet Union have been forced into prostitution in Israel. The Thai government reports that 60,000 Thai children have been sold into prostitution. As many as 10,000 children aged between six and 14 are virtually enslaved in brothels in Sri Lanka. Some 20,000 women and children from Burma have been forced into prostitution in Thailand. In Britain, details are surfacing of dozens of teenage girls in the care of social services who may have been kidnapped by organized gangs and forced to work as prostitutes abroad, mainly in Italy.  The girls in question are child asylum seekers from Africa, who enter the care of West Sussex social services after arriving at Gatwick Airport in the south of England. The project also says that of 155 cases of forced prostitution brought before the courts in The Netherlands, only four resulted in convictions of the traffickers. The Protection Project is compiling a database on laws on trafficking, forced prostitution, slavery and debt bondage in 190 independent states and 63 dependencies.  See more at the following link
Sexual Slavery in America’s Heartland CBN News
·      Shared Hope International, a Christian anti-trafficking organization, reports that up to 300,000 children in the U.S. are at risk for trafficking each year. Twelve years old is the average age of entry. "Men are buying younger children," Shared Hope founder and former congresswoman Linda Smith said. "They're buying more violent acts with the children and those children aren't willingly saying 'I want to be prostituted.' Now we're seeing 9, 10, 11-year-olds. Eleven years old is common--snatched from a middle school, lured through a mall or online."
·      Dr. Celia Williamson at the University of Toledo authored a recent report for Ohio's Attorney General Richard Cordray. The report estimates more than 1,000 Ohio children are trafficked each year. Toledo became a focus 

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    after a 2006 raid on a Pennsylvania truck stop. Almost half of the 150 victims were from Toledo. Seventeen of the 18 traffickers also called the city home.
·      So, why Toledo? "I don't necessarily think there's more here. I just think we're doing a better job of identifying and attacking the problem here," FBI special agent Dave Dustin said. "It's a common sentiment among law enforcement in Toledo."
·      To the untrained eye, however, trafficking is often hard to see. The general public can easily tune out hot spots like strip clubs, motels, and truck stops. And most would never think of events like the Super Bowl as major trafficking destinations. But the FBI says traffickers flock to big games and conventions where they know they'll find an easy market.
·      "You're not going to see kids out on the street in everyday America because those are more likely to be the recruitment areas," Williamson said. "Those are the areas where our kids are at risk for being recruited and then shipped around the country."  For further details go to                 
PBS and The Justice Department Speak Out on Sexual Exploitation
·      The following link is to a PBS interview with a strip dancer in Atlanta who claims many famous individuals including Senators and Congressmen come to the clubs.  She said her average customers were local businessmen married with children.  She was lured into the business because initially it was a great way to make money although because of the expectation of the life style she was unable to save money.  Many of the dancers made deals with customers to prostitute themselves for the extra money.  She says because of the glamour of the culture young girls in elementary school and middle school are prostituting themselves because it is a quick easy way to earn money for things they desire.
·      The Department of Justice says, on any given day, tens of thousands of children across America are involved in prostitution.

Prosecutors Child Porn Cases Up Over 2,500% Associated Press
This article claims, although this crime is dwarfed by immigration and drug cases it is the only crime growing at 2500% according to a FBI spokesman.

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Representative Cynthia McKinney Grills                 Secretary of Defense On Child Pornography/DynCorp and Other Issues Related to 9/11
How Pervasive is Child Sexual Exploitation and Pornography in the U.S.
·      293,000 children in danger of being sexually exploited according to Justice Department.  55% of the street girls engage in formal prostitution.  Of the street girls that are prostitutes, 75% work for a pimp.
·      1/5 of all girls and 1/10 of all boys are sexually exploited at some time in their lives.
·      In 1981 the General Accounting Office estimated there were approximately 600,000 children under the age of 16 working as prostitutes in the U.S.  Child prostitute generally range in age from 11-16.  Children 10 or under normally got involved because one or more parents were exploiting their child or children.  International relief organizations estimate that approximately 300,000 child prostitutes work in the United States in any given year.
·      It is estimated that between 1 and 1.5 million children run away from home every year.  1/3 of these end up having some kind of involvement in prostitution or pornography in order to support themselves.
·      Child prostitutes that work for pimps normally are not addicted to drugs because the pimps don’t want their workers to be spending their money on drugs rather the prostitutes need to give their money to the pimps. 
·       Child prostitution did not become a major problem in the U.S. until the 1970ties.
Child Prostitution in Arizona
·      At least 200 children exploited in Phoenix for sex.  Child prostitution did not become an issue in Phoenix until about 2 years ago.
·      The average age a child starts prostitution 13 while the average age of child prostitutes is 15.  Child prostitutes rake in $1,000 or more serving 10 to 25 customers a day.
·      In the file Government Officials Imply or Speak out on Corruption and/or the New World Order in the article titled, My Interview with Border Agent/Child Labor and Slavery on page 15 we discussed

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    how Phoenix became the 2nd highest kidnapping capital in the world.  The agent told me often parents sent their children up to cross the border but did not always give them enough money to pay the Coyotes for their crossing.  Thus the children became indebted to the coyote(s) who/whom helped them cross.  To pay the debt the children were sent to Phoenix to work.  Others kidnapped the children so they could exploit their labor.  I wonder how many of these children ended up engaged in prostitution or pornography.  It seems these work options would be highly profitable for their masters.
A CHRONOLOGICAL HISTORY OF THE NEW WORLD ORDER By D L Cuddy                                                                           This person takes quotes from various famous individuals in various fields from the early 20th century until 1996 describing the importance or proclaiming the New World Order.  It would be interesting to research.  There are between 13-15 pages of quotes.

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