Overall Contents for All Blogs and Posts
Most posts are alphabetized by subject starting at the bottom of each blog except for the first one. To get a feel of the overall intent of the blogs and posts please read the first post below.
Introduction and an Idea of how to navigate through the blogs and posts.
Contents for Sources of Funding for New World Order
From Soft to Hard Tyranny
Government Officials Speak out on Corruption and/or the New World Order Part 1
Government Officials Speak out on Corruption and/or the New World Order Part 2
Contents for Health Care Trends
Contents for Hidden Powers, Hidden Interests
Links to Corruption, Tyranny and Trends Toward A New World Order Part 1
Links to Corruption, Tyranny and Trends Toward A New World Order Part 2
Links to Corruption, Tyranny and Trends Toward A New World Order Part 3
National Debt
The above 3 posts Links to Corruption, Tyranny and Trends Toward a New World Order, Part 1, 2 and 3 contain just the links from all the posts with very little political commentary or analysis.
News About the Fed, Banking and Finance Part 1
News About the Fed, Banking and Finance Part 2
Quotes Over Time About Monetary Policy and Banking and Finance in Relationship to Liberty and Tyranny
Slow Response/Gulf Oil Spill
Social Security and Other Entitlements
Symbols of Occult Power
The Modern Art and Science of Enslaving Others
The Constitution Verses Tyranny
The Relationship Between The Military Industrial Media Complex, Defense Spending, Semi-permanent and Permanent War and the Rise of Tyranny
Trends Toward a Tyrannical New World Order Part 1
Trends Toward a Tyrannical New World Order Part 2
Trends Toward a Tyrannical New World Order Part 3
The United Nations in Relationship to the New World Order Part 1
The United Nations in Relationship to the New World Order Part 2
Barter and Local Currency Survey
Members, Activities and Meetings
The War on Food
The War on Food Part 2 This section has a lot more in depth scientific studies.
In all the blogs the titles for each of the articles are colored coded red, orange, green or black based on my subjective belief of how likely they are to be true.
Red title and bold font means I believe the article is very likely to be true and is very important!
Red title and regular font means I believe the article is very likely to be true but is less important.
Orange title and bold font means the article is likely to be true and is important!
Orange title and regular font means the article is likely to be true but is less important.
Green title and bold font means I believe the article could be true and is very important!
Green title and regular font means I believe the article could be true but is less important.
Black title and bold font means I have no opinion on the article because I have not researched it so I have no opinion on its veracity. However it is important!
Black title and regular font means I have no opinion on the article because I have not researched it so I have no opinion on its veracity or truthfulness. It is of lesser importance.
The United Nations in Relationship to the New World Order Part 1
Why One World Government is So Attractive 6
One Founder of the U.N. was Later Convicted of Prejury 6
Obama May Try to Pass United Nation’s Law of The Sea Treaty Without Consent of the Senate 7
82 Quotes About the New World Order From 1915 until the Present 7
Are Vatican and U.N. Collaborating to Set Up New World Order? 16
Is the IRS Now a Part of the IMF that is a Part Of the U.N.? 16
If U.N.’s Small Arms Treaty Signed By U.S It May Result in Confiscation of Guns 18
The UN and Population Control Memorandum The National Security Study 200/Henry Kissinger 19
Soon One Person May Control What Foods We Grow and Eat According to a Bill Passed By Congress in 2010 23
CDC FoodNet Surveys Found that Approximately 3% of Population of 10 States Consumed Raw Milk Within 7 Day Period During 2006-2007 25
Can Food be Employed As A Weapon to Reduce Population Using GMO Foods? 26 See also post Trends Toward a New World Order page 49 for more on GMO Foods
Relationship Between GMO Foods, Monsanto and Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas 26
Page 2
Michael R Taylor Secretary of Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Formally Lawyer for Monsanto 27 Monsanto Develops Genetically Modified Seeds Resistant to Aluminum But Why? 28
60 Minutes/4/4/10/Should Biotech Firms Be Able to Own Human Genes 28
Animal-Human Hybrids Spark Controversy National Geographic News 1/25/2005 29
Genetically Modified Cows Produce Human Milk 29 Human Animal Hybrids 29
Details of Hybrid Clone Revealed/BBC 30
U.S. Drops Treaty to Ban Cloning 30 Of Mice, Men and In-Between 30
Plant Animal Hybrids and Plant Bacterial Hybrids PBS 31
USDA Backs Production of Rice with Human Genes Washington Post Friday, March 2, 2007. 31
USDA Won’t Impose Restrictions On Biotech Alfalfa Wall Street Journal 1/27/2011 31 Can Corn With Part of HIV Virus Infect People? 32
Rewinding evolution: Scientists alter chicken DNA to create embryo with 'alligator-like' snout 33
Food Movement Rising/Michael Pollan 33
Population Reduction 2012 Codex Alimentarius 33 FDA Rules Won't Require Labeling of Genetically Modified Salmon Washington Post 35
California Initiative to Label GMO Foods and Why Such Initiatives and Bills Failed in Other States 36
California Initiative to Label GMO Foods and Why Such Initiatives and Bills Failed in Other States 36
Strategies to Reduce Population 37
Toxic Chemicals Sprayed in the Air Might be One Method to Reduce Fertility 39
Page 3
Fox News Video Comes out against Fluoride 39
Estrogen Mimicking Chemicals Found in Cosmetics, Medicines Cleaners Chemicals and Pesticides Impair Animal and Human Fertility 39
Terry Gross On Fresh Air/NPR 12/14/2010 Breast/Cancer/Hormones 40
Rockefeller Foundation Funds Eugenics Research Since 1920ties 41
U.N. Agenda/Reduce population by 90% 41
United Nations In Relationship to the NWO Part 2
Do Scientists Now Have an Anti-fertility Vaccine that can be Hidden in Food? 42
1995 BBC Program Claims Women in Developing World used as Guinea Pigs to Test Various Anti-fertility Vaccines Including a Secretive Covert Vaccine! 42
Scientific Evidence Exist Linking Covert Anti-fertility Vaccines to Secret use on Women in Nicaragua, the Philippines and Mexico 43
National Institute of Health Pubmed Website Has Hundreds of Scientific Articles Discussing Anti-fertilityVaccines Going Back to the 1970ties 46
The Human Reproduction Journal is an Oxford Journal that Discusses Reproductive Issues Including Anti-fertility Vaccines 46
According to the Economic and Political Weekly of February 19-26, 2000, The World Health Organization has Funded Research to Develop an Anti-fertility Vaccine Since the Early 1970ties 47
Page 4
Humans Over Vaccinating Pets Resulting in Increased Autoimmune Disorders and Cancer. 48
Research Centers Developing Anti-fertility Vaccines 49
UNICEF Speaks Up About Use and Benefits of Vaccines 49
Over 70% of Aids Transmission in Africa May be Caused by Unsafe Hospital Practice or the Virus was Injected by Contaminated Needles 54
Initial Congressional and Federal Drug Administration Testimony Stated Mercury Containing Vaccines were or Could be Harmful 55
Eli Lilly Website Discusses Safety Data for Thimerosal (mercury containing compound or substance) 56
Government Agencies Warn of Exposures to Mercury 57
The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in Jully 1999 released a joint press conference concerning Thimerosal in vaccines. 59 Bill Gates Implies Vaccines Could be Utilized as Population Control 59
Nanotechnology May be Employed to Create a Sweat Triggered Anti-fertility Vaccine 59
Ultrasound on Scrotums to Keep Men Infertile Up to Six Months Funded by Gates Foundation 60
Are you Eating a Gasoline Additive 60
Frank Fenner, Emeritus Professor of Microbiology at the Australian National University and the Man Who Helped Eradicate Smallpox Predicts Our Demise 61
Page 5
Could Increasing Use of Vaccines, GMO’s and Other Chemicals Cause Rise in Chronic Illness 61
Some Surprising Findings Concerning Population Control 65 Kids Account for less of U.S. Population, Not a Good Sign 66
Other Chronic Disabling Illnesses 67
Whistleblower: Are Corporations (DynCorp) and Top U.N. Officials Covering up or Supporting the Sex Trade From National Public Radio’s Dianne Rehm Show 1,11, 2011. 67
DynCorp Pays Fine for Filing Inflated Claims For Police Training 70
Halliburton Subsidiary, Kellogg, Brown & Root Alleged to Engage in Human Sex Trade 70 Further Information on Global Sex Trade From CNN 70
Sexual Slavery in America’s Heartland CBN News 71
PBS and The Justice Department Speak Out on Sexual Exploitation 72
Prosecutors Child Porn Cases Up Over 2,500% 72
Representative Cynthia McKinney Grills Secretary of Defense On Child Pornographyand Other Issues 66
How Pervasive is Child Sexual Exploitation and Pornography in the U.S.? 73
Child Prostitution in Arizona 73
A Chronological History of the New World Order D.L. Cuddy 74
Page 6
Why One World Government is So Attractive
In theory, I am in agreement with the U.N. agenda to bring nations together so that wars between nations will cease. Environmental problems, population control, terrorism and crime are blights which can no longer be solved by individual nations. A government stronger than the nation states is more sensible in the long run. Scaffolding for such a system is occurring now. My question is, should this government be created openly, honestly through the willing participation of the people in the world or should it be created through deceit, treachery and coercion? Much evidence indicates that the entity being formed now evolved using the latter malevolent means. See History of Banking file, the Money Masters Video and Paul Grignon’s Money as Debt video to see how the present New World Order may be utilizing deceit, treachery and coercion to increase its power and influence.
The links below describe how the U.N. maybe an instrument to usher this New World Order.
One Founder of the U.N. was later Convicted of Prejury
UN charter written by Alger Hiss, http://www.jeremiahproject.com/newworldorder/nworder05.html
Hiss fed US secrets to Soviets http://www.orwelltoday.com/mccarthyun.shtml
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alger_Hiss I obtained my information from Wikipedia and the New Encyclopaedia Britannica Micropedia Volume V p 63 the 15th edition published by William Benton. Hiss was instrumental in writing the charter for the U.N. Prior to this he held many prominent jobs including working as a clerk for Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Homes. Hiss was convicted of perjury and sentenced to 10 years in prison for which he served 44 months. He appealed the ruling all the way to the Supreme Court and his appeals were denied.. His conviction was based on documents supposedly typed on his typewriter by his wife and sent to the Soviets. Hiss had gotten rid of his typewriter before charges were raised against him. The FBI and his defense lawyer searched for the typewriter and his defense attorney found it first. To the defense attorney’s astonishment the type setting of the typewriter matched exactly the type setting on the disputed documents and he quit the case.
Hiss went to court later to clear his name because unknown to the court at the time of his prior trial was intelligence agencies had the ability to reconstruct typewriters having any kind of type up to 10 years earlier. The judge in this case, ruled that Chambers, the man who brought the espionage charges against Hiss did not have the resources to commit such a feat so Hiss’s suit was again denied. The court never considered the possibility that government intelligence agents for their own reasons, might have framed Hiss by reconstructing a typewriter that looked exactly like his old one.
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At the time of the fall of the Soviet Union Hiss asked archivists at the Kremlin to clear his name. A spokesperson for them indicated that Hiss’s name was not in any of their documents as a Soviet spy. Yet other agencies and individuals claim that Hiss not only was a member of the Communist party but also a spy for the Soviet Union.
Shortly after Hiss was convicted in 1950 the Massachusetts Bar disbarred him from practicing law. However many years later it reversed its standing and reinstituted Hiss’s license. It is the only case where it disbarred a person and later reinstituted the lawyer’s license. Hiss proclaimed his innocence throughout his life!
Obama May Pass United Nations Law of the Sea Treaty by Executive Order Without Consent of the Senate
Since its inception in the 1970ties Senators have refused to ratify the UNLOS treaty or The United Nations Law of the Sea Treaty several times. According to the author Patrick Wood, Obama by executive order is ratifying the treaty without the consent of the Senate. Senators object to the treaty because the U.S. will give up most of its sovereignty over its coastal waters and the high seas. This control will be turned over to the United Nations. http://www.augustreview.com/news_commentary/treaties/law_of_the_sea_redux_20100804158/
82 Quotes About the New World Order From 1915 to the Present
The U.N. as one of its goals is to work with nations so they give up their sovereignty and submit to World wide government. Some believe that George Bush Senior began preaching the concept of a New World Order but this had been discussed long before that as you can see in the quotes below.
Some "good" quotes for the collection here...
When Pres Bush (Sr) started using the term during his administration, one was led to believe that he or his advisor made up the term.
"One August 1989 morning in Kennebunkport, Maine, Pres Bush (Sr) took his national security adviser, Brent Scowcroft, for a ride on the presidential speed boat, Fidelity. Four hours later, the president came ashore with a ringing slogan that Scowcroft had offered: "The New World Order" Ever since, the goal of a "new world order" has been the theme of Bush's Foreign policy pronouncements.----LA Times Feb 24, 1991
But this term has actually been used for generations by individuals seeking one-world socialist rule.
Here are many references to the term (not a complete study) that refute any claim that it originated with Bush and also prove that it is a well-used term over many decades to indicate that it meant a socialist world government. I have also included some other references that I thought were pertinent.
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1915 - Nov 27, Columbia University president Nicholas Murray Butler (on the executive committee of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace) delivered an address, "A New World Order is Being Born" to the Union League of Philadelphia in which he stated: "The old world order changed when this war storm broke--the old world order died with the setting of the day's sun and a New World Order is being born while I speak."
1918 - Charles R. Van Hise, Pres. University of Wisconsin, delivers an address to the Wisconsin State Convention of The League to Enforce Peace. The title of the address is: "The Foundation of a New World Order" in which he says: "The world has become one body, and no great member of it can proceed independently of the other members. They must act together; and this is possible only through formal treaty covenants."
1919 - The January edition of International Conciliation (connected with the Carnegie organization) focuses upon "A League of Nations." A cover letter sent, with this edition of the journal, begins with these words: "The peace conference has assembled. It will make the most momentous decisions in history, and upon these decisions will rest the stability of the new world order and the future peace of the world."
1919 - A book entitled The New World Order by Samuel Zane Batten is published by the American Baptist Publication Society. In this book, Batten declares: "The old order passes from view, the new world rises upon our vision....We have vindicated the right of social control.....There must be developed a national spirit of service....Society must break the stranglehold of capitalism....The natural resources of the nation must be socialized....The state must socialize every group....Men must learn to have a world patriotism. World patriotism must be a faith....There is no more justice for the claim of absolute sovereignty on the part of a nation than on the part of an individual....The only alternative is World Federation....with a world parliament, and international court, and an international police force....Men must have an international mind before there can be a world federation. Th
1920 - A book entitled The New World Order (International Organization, International Law, International Cooperation) by Frederick Charles Hicks Doubleday 1920. He is law librarian of Columbia University, and in this book he suggests that among the most powerful few of the Great Powers, the example must be set to "cooperate, here and there, piece by piece, in limiting the exercise of their sovereign rights."
1927 - The Christian Science Monitor (August 8) quoted from an address to the World Federation of Education Associations (WFEA) by Dr. Augustus Thomas (commissioner of education for Maine) at their Toronto congress: "If there are those who think we are to jump immediately into a new world order, actuated by complete understanding and brotherly love, they are doomed to disappointment." He says the world must go through a long process of education "...until the cobwebs of the old order are brushed out of the minds of the people of all lands."
1928 - A book entitled The Open Conspiracy: Blue Prints for a World Revolution by socialist H. G. Wells is published. He declares that "..The political world of the Open Conspiracy must weaken, efface, incorporate and supersede existing governments....The Open Conspiracy is the natural inheritor of socialist and communist enthusiasms, it may be in control of Moscow before it is in control of New York...."
1931 - Historian Arnold Toynbee delivers a speech to the Institute for the Study of International Affairs at Copenhagen in which he explains: "We are at present working discreetly with all our might to wrest this mysterious force called sovereignty out of the clutches of the local nation states of the world. All the time we are denying with our lips what we are doing with our hands, because to impugn the sovereignty of the local nation states of the world is still a heresy for which a statesman or publicist can perhaps not quite be burned at the stake but certainly be ostracized or discredited." --International Affairs (journal of the Royal Institute of International Affairs, i.e. the British version of the Council on Foreign Relations) Nov 1931, "The Trend of International Affairs Wince the War"
1934 - Experiment In Autobiography by H. G. Wells is published in which he states: "The organization of this that I call the Open Conspiracy....which will ultimately supply teaching, coercive and directive public services to the whole world, is the immediate task before all rationale people...A planned world-state is appearing at a thousand points....Plans for political synthesis seem to grow bolder and more extensive....There must be a common faith and law for mankind....The main battle is an educational battle.
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1940 - A book entitled, The New World Order by H.G. Wells, in which Wells claims: "It is the system of nationalist individualism that has to go....We are living in the end of the sovereign states....In the great struggle to evoke a Westernized World Socialism, contemporary governments may vanish....Countless people...will hate the new world order....and will die protesting against it."
1940 - A Book World Order (Civitas Dei) by Lionel Curtis is published. This 985 page volume will be called the foundation of all thought on the design of a new order. It examines human society and concludes that a working system must mean the organization of all human society into one commonwealth.
1942 - In The Philadelphia Inquirer (June 18), reporter William Murphy, Jr. wrote that on June 17, "Undersecretary of State, Sumner Welles called for the early creation of an international organization....the setting up of a new world order on a permanent basis."
1948 - July: The CFR's Foreign Affairs publishes "A New World Takes Shape" by Sir Harold Butler in which he asks: "How far can the life of nations, which for centuries have thought of themselves as distinct and unique, be merged with the life of other nations? How far are they prepared to sacrifice a part of their sovereignty without which there can be no effective economic or political union?....Out of the prevailing confusion a new world is taking shape...which may point the way toward the new order."
1948 - UNESCO: Its Purpose and Its Philosophy by Fabian Socialist Sir Julian Huxley is published in which he proclaims that UNESCO "...In its education program it can stress the ultimate need for world political unity and familiarize all peoples with the implications of the transfer of full sovereignty from separate nations to a world organization..."
1949 - April: United Nations World magazine publishes an article by Ambassador Warren Austin, chief of the U.S. Mission to the UN, in which he pronounces that "....World government could not be accepted without radical change of national outlook.... It will take a long time to prepare peoples and governments of most nations for acceptance of and participation in a world government....If we expect this future world government to be created by agreement and not by force or conquest, we will have to be willing to work patiently until peoples or governments are ready for it....
1949 - Towards World Understanding, vol. V, is published by UNESCO, and in this volume one reads: "As long as the child breathes the poisoned air of nationalism, education in world-mindedness can produce only rather precarious results....For the moment, it is sufficient to note that it is most frequently in the family that the children are infected with nationalism by hearing what is national extolled and what is foreign disparaged....The activity of the school cannot bring about the desired result unless, repudiating every form of nationalism..."
1949 - The New World Order by communist Scott Nearing is published, in which he projects that "the one world of technology must become one world also economically and politically....Such objectives will be achieved most easily through a science of social engineering."
1951 - July 24: The Chicago Tribune publishes a front page news article titled " 'Global' Flag Gen. Ike's Aim, Says Senator," which begins with the words: "Gen. Eisenhower is working for an allied army under a single flag, uniform, and command to defend Western Europe, senators reported today on their return from an overseas inspection trip."
1951 - July 31: The Chicago Tribune publishes an article, "OWI (office of war information) Propaganda machine Linked to Rhodes (Rhodes scholars) Men," stating: "Those who absorbed the Elmer Davis(Rhodes scholar and head of OWI), Office of War Information training have pushed the British concept of policing the world with American soldiers and economic aid and have fought for a world federation under which the United States would surrender its sovereignty." About 40 years later, American soldiers will be stationed in many nations around the world as part of UN peacekeeping missions.
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1953 - The Impact of Science on Society by Fabian Socialist Bertrand Russell is published in which he declares: " I think the subject which will be of most importance politically is mass psychology....Various results will soon be arrived at: that the influence of home is obstructive....although this science will be diligently studied, it will be rigidly confined to the governing class. The populace will not be allowed to know how its convictions were generated. When the technique has been perfected, every government that has been in charge of education for a generation will be able to control its subjects securely without the need of armies or policemen....Educational propaganda, with government help, could achieve this result in a generation. There are, however, two powerful forces opposed to such a policy: one is religion; the other is nationalism....A scientific world society cannot be stable unless there is a world government.
1958 - In Arthur Schlesinger, Jr.'s The Coming of the New Deal he quotes Machiavelli at the front of the book saying, "There is nothing...more dangerous to handle, than to initiate a new order of things." And at the end of the book, he quotes Fabian Socialist H.G. Wells describing FDR as: "The most effective transmitting instrument possible for the coming of the new world order....He is continuously revolutionary in the new way without ever provoking a stark revolutionary crisis."
1959 - The West in Crisis by James Warburg is published, in which he proclaims that: "...a world order without world law is an anachronism....A world which fails to establish the rule of law over the nation-states cannot long continue to exist. We are living in a perilous period of transition from the era of the fully sovereign nation-state to the era of world government." James Warburg is a CFR member and founder of United World Federalists. He is also the son of Paul Warburg, an architect of the Federal Reserve.
1960 - The United States in the World Arena by Walt Rostow (CFR) is published. In the book he declares: "It is a legitimate American objective to see removed from all nations--including the United States--the right to use substantial military force to pursue their own interest. Since this residual right is the root of national sovereignty and the basis for the existence of an international arena of power, it is, therefore, an American interest to see an end to nationhood as it had been historically defined."
1961 - Sept, State Department document 7277 titled, "Freedom From War: The U.S. Program for General and Complete disarmament in a Peaceful World" is published. Pres Kennedy delivers this to the UN on Sept 25. This document provides that the United States will disarm along with other countries so that the UN becomes the unchallengeable World power....disarmament "would proceed to a point where no state would have the military power to challenge the progressively strengthened UN Peace Force." This transition is still going on today.
1962 - March 10 State Department Study Memorandum No. 7, "A World Effectively Controlled by the United Nations, " written by CFR member Lincoln Bloomfield, in which he states: "A world effectively controlled by the United Nations is one in which "world government" would come about through the establishment of supranational institutions, characterized by mandatory universal membership and some ability to employ physical force....(But) if the communist dynamic was greatly abated, the West might lose whatever incentive it has for world government" It looks as if now the "communist menace" has been replaced by the "terrorist menace". And of course they can switch back to the communist menace or any other kind of menace whenever they want to.
1962 - A lecture given by CFR member Nelson Rockefeller at Harvard University in which he says that there is"...a new and free order struggling to be born....(There is a )fever of nationalism....(but) the nation-state is becoming less and less competent to perform its international political tasks....These are some of the reasons pressing us to lead vigorously toward the true building of a new world order....(with)voluntary service...Sooner perhaps than we may realize,....there will evolve the bases for a federal structure of the free world."
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1967 - March 26: Pope Paul VI writes Populorum Progressio and states: "Who can fail to see the need and importance of thus gradually coming to the establishment of a world authority capable of taking effective action on the juridical and political planes? Delegates to international organizations, public officials, gentlemen of the press, teachers and educators--all of you must realize that you have your part to play in the construction of a new world order.
1967 - Richard Nixon writing in The CFR periodical Foreign Affairs Oct 1967 "....and to evolve regional approaches to development needs and to the evolution of a new world order."
1968 - The Subtle and Leisurely Penetration, a reference report from the George Mason School of Correspondence, is published by Education Information, Inc., of Sacramento, CA. It mentions that the thirty-two Americans to be Rhodes Scholars this year have been selected, and then states: "The stated objectives of Cecil John Rhodes and his friend, Sir Andrew Carnegie, included the reduction of the United States to a colony of the New World Order."
1968 - October: In this edition of the CFR's Foreign Affairs is an article, "Asia After Vietnam," by Richard Nixon (CFR member 1961-1965), in which he writes of nations' disposition "to evolve regional approaches to development needs and to the evolution of a new world order."
1968 - Gov Nelson Rockefeller from Deseret News July 26, 1968, Salt Lake City, Utah pg 2A...."New York Gov Nelson A. Rockefeller says as president he would work toward international creation of "a new world order...."
1970 - Between Two Ages: America's Role in the Technetronic Era by Zbigniew Brzezinski is published. He is a CFR member who will become the first director of the Trilateral Commission and President Carter's national security advisor. In this book he states: "Marxism represents a further vital and creative stage in the maturing of man's universal vision. Marxism is simultaneously a victory of the external, active man over the inner, passive man and a victory of reason over belief.....Human beings become increasingly manipulable and malleable...Today we are again witnessing the emergence of transnational elites....whose ties cut across national boundaries....The nation-state is gradually yielding its sovereignty....Further progress will require greater American sacrifices. More intensive efforts to shape a new world monetary structure will have to be underta
1971 - Richard Nixon(CFR) quoted by James Reston(CFR) in Boston Herald Traveller May 21, ......"Aside from politics, Nixon would obviously like to preside over the creation of a new world order,....."
1972 - Pres Nixon's speech giving in Peking from UPI 2-25-72......."and the hope that each of us has to build a new world order....."
1973 - August 10: The New York Times publishes "From a China Traveller" by David Rockefeller, who writes about Communist China: "One is impressed immediately by the sense of national harmony....There is a very real and pervasive dedication to chairman Mao and Maoist principles. Whatever the price of the Chinese Revolution, it has obviously succeeded not only in producing more efficient and dedicated administration, but also in fostering high morale and community purpose. General social and economic progress is no less impressive....The enormous social advances of China have benefited greatly from the singleness of ideology and purpose....The social experiment in China under Chairman Mao's leadership is one of the most important and successful in history."
1974 - Richard N. Gardner writing in Foreign Affairs (CFR) April 1974 Article entitled The Hard Road to World Order, "In short, the "house of world order: will have to be built from the bottom up rather than from the top down. It will look like a great "booming, buzzing confusion," .......but an end run around national sovereignty, eroding it piece by piece, will accomplish much more than the old-fashioned frontal assault."
1975 - James Reston Sunday Herald Advertiser , Boston Aug 3, 1975......"the spirit of Glassboro under President Johnson was that the big powers should forget the past and work together for a new world order...."
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1975 - A Declaration of INTERdependence by Henry Steele Commager Oct 24, 1975......."Two centuries ago our forefathers brought forth a new nation; now we must join with others to bring forth a new world order.. .."
1976 - The Freeman Digest (Jan 79) will publish an interview with Joseph Slater, president of the Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies, in which he will respond to the question about "the new world order" as follows: "Whatever system is constructed, many people feel that the new global community will be monolithic; that is why the words "new world order" tend to connote a sort of 1984 Orwellian kind of notion where there is some master system...."
1977 - The Third Try at World Order by Harlan Cleveland, CFR member is published. He calls for "changing Americans' attitudes and institutions"; for "complete disarmament (except for international soldiers)"; for "fairer distribution of worldly goods through a new International Economic Order"; and for "international standard for individual entitlement to food, health and education."
1977 - July: The Atlantic Monthly publishes "The Trilateral Connection" by former Washington Post columnist Jeremiah Novak, in which he states: "For the third time in this century, a group of American scholars, businessmen, and government officials is planning to fashion a New World Order."
1979 - Fidel Castro, Associated Press Oct 12 1979 at the United Nations. "Fidel Castro finger waving in the air and angry fist thumping the lectern, demanded a "new world order" and dressed down the United States today for "aggressive" and "exploitative" policies around the world."
1982 - "Just as there must come a new world economic order, there must come a new world communication order.....It will take time, but it must come." Christian Century April 14, 1982 p. 442, by William F. Fore.
1986 - Regarding "the establishment" of which George Bush was a member, a book was written about some of its leaders and was titled The Wise Men (1986). It was co-authored by Rhodes Scholar, CFR member, and a Time editor, Walter isaacson, who described how 6 leaders "shaped a new world order," were internationalists, and had a "common outlook." One of them, Chip Bohlen, was quoted as saying about socialism: "maybe that is the road we ought to go down." Also in the book one reads that Arthur Schlesinger, Jr. in 1965 wrote: "The New York financial and legal community was the heart of the American establishment....its front organizations, the Rockefeller, Ford and Carnegie foundations and the Council on Foreign Relations."
1988 - George Bush would run for the presidency of the United States in 1988, and on Feb 10, The Washington Post quoted David Rockefeller as remarking that "He's (Bush) one of us ('the establishment')....If he were president, he would be in a better position than anyone else to pull together the people in the country who believe that we are in fact living in one world and have to act that way."
1988 - Mikhail Gorbachev speaking at UN , The Boston Globe Dec 8 1988 "....He called for a "new world order" founded not on force but on dialogue......."
1989 - President Bush gave the commencement address at Texas A & M University on May 12, he which he stated "Ultimately, our objective is to welcome the Soviet Union back into the world order....Perhaps the world order of the future will truly be a family of nations." --Arizona Daily Star, May 12.
1990 - Mikhail Gorbachev quoted in Washington Post Feb 25 1990 "...A new world order is taking shape so fast that governments are well as private citizens find it difficult just to absorb the gallop of events....."
1990 - Mikhail Gorbachev speaking at Stanford University quoted by Sentinel wire services Jun 5 1990 "Saying the world should not debate who won the Cold War, Soviet President Mikhail S. Gorbachev called Monday for the United states and Soviet Union to be partners in building "a new world order"...."Tolerance is the alpha and omega of a new world order"....
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1991 - May 18 Valley Times, Pleasanton, CA an article entitled "Shevardnadze touts U.N.", staff writer Jeanie R. Wakeland writes about a speech in San Francisco sponsored by the World Affairs Council: "Shevardnadze said the United nations cannot do anything if its decisions aren't carried out by all members. nations can be made to feel they 'lose' if they go against a U.N. position, Shevardnadze said. 'If we can rely on the (U.N.) position, we can build on this for a new world order."
1991 - Associated Press June 6, Oslo, Norway: "Mikhail Gorbachev said yesterday in his Nobel Peace lecture that Western failure to heed his call for economic aid could dash hopes for a peaceful new world order.....'To me, it is self-evident that if Soviet perestroika succeeds, there will be a real chance of building a new world order.' "
President Bush (SR) quotes on new world order and United nations:
"Time and again in this century, the political map of the world was transformed. And in each instance, a new world order came about through the advent of a new tyrant or the outbreak of a bloody global war, or its end." Feb 28, 1990---this quote is six months before Iraq's invasion of Kuwait in August.
"Out of these troubled times, our fifth objective--a new world order--can emerge...... We are now in sight of a United Nations that performs as envisioned by its founders." --Sep 11 1990
Pres Bush delivers an address to Congress titled "Toward a New World Order," regarding the crisis in the Persian Gulf after Iraq invaded Kuwait in August. He will follow this with and October 1 address to the U.N., in which he will speak of the "collective strength of the world community expressed by the U.N....a historic movement towards a new world order."
"I think what's at stake here is the new world order....a reinvigorated United Nations." -Jan 7 1991
"(The Gulf crisis) has to do with a new world order. And that world order is only going to be enhanced if this newly activated peacekeeping function of the United nations proves to be effective." -Jan 9 1991
"When we are successful, and we will be, we have a real chance at this new world order, an order in which a credible United Nations can use its peacekeeping role to fulfill the promise and vision of the UN's founders." -Jan 16 1991
A quote from an invitation sent to Republican contributors throughout the United Stated in May 1991: "Now, our President faces greater tasks. And he must have help from like-minded men and women in the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate who can help him establish the "new world order" he seeks."
1992 - July 20 Time magazine published "The Birth of the Global Nation" by Strobe Talbott (Rhodes scholar roommate of Bill Clinton at Oxford University, CFR director, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace board of directors member, and Trilateralist from a wealthy Ohio investment banking family), in which he writes: All countries are basically social arrangements....No matter how permanent or even sacred they may seem at any one time, in fact they are all artificial and temporary....Perhaps national sovereignty wasn't such a great idea after all....But it has taken the events in our own wondrous and terrible century to clinch the case for world government."
1992 - August 26: The New York Times publishes "The World Needs an Army on Call" by U.S. Senator David Boren (Rhodes Scholar 1963, CFR member, and member of "Skull and Bones") in which he states: "In the aftermath of World War II, President Truman wanted to empower the United Nations to create a new world order....Richard Gardner proposes that forty to fifty member nations contribute to a rapid-deployment force of one hundred thousand volunteers that could train under common leadership....It is time for us to create such a force....The existence of such a force would go a long way toward making the "new world order" more than just a slogan."
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1993 - Jan 13: Confirmation hearings are held for CFR member Warren Christopher's nomination to be Secretary of State. He and Senator Joseph Biden discuss the possibility of NATO becoming a peacekeeping surrogate for the U.N. "to foster the creation of a new world order." That is just what happened in Bosnia.
1993 - April 21: General Colin Powell receives the United Nations Association-USA's Global Leadership Award, and he remarks: "The United Nations will spearhead our efforts to manage the new conflicts (that afflict our world)....Yes the principles of the United Nations Charter are worth our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor." !!!!!?????
1993 - May 4: New CFR president Leslie Gelb (formerly and editor at The New York Times ) says on "The Charlie Rose Show" that "...you(Charlie Rose) had me on (before) to talk about the new world order....I talk about it all the time....It's one world now...."
1993 - June 22. In case there is any doubt about whether President Clinton(CFR) supports world government, on this date he signs a letter to the World Federalist Association congratulating Strobe Talbott(CFR) on receiving (june 24) the WFA's first "Norman Cousins Global Governance Award." The WFA is a leading force for world federal government. Clinton's letter states: "Norman Cousins worked for world peace and world government...Strobe Talbott's lifetime achievements as a voice for global harmony have earned him this recognition....He will be a worthy recipient of the Norman Cousins Global Governance Award. Best wishes....for future success."
1993 - July 18: CFR member and Trilateralist Henry Kissinger writes in The Los Angeles Times concerning NAFTA: "What Congress will have before it is not a conventional trade agreement but the architecture of a new international system....a first step toward a new world order."
1993 - September 9: Concerning whether U.S. troops should remain in Somalia as part of a U.N. operation, General Colin Powell, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, says that a pullout would be "devastating to our hopes for the new world order and our ability to participate in multinational organizations to deal with problems like this."
1993 - W. Scott Thompson (Rhodes Scholar 1963-66) writes "Conflict and Conflict Resolution: On to the Twenty-First Century" for the federal United Stated Institute of Peace, of which he is a board member appointed by President Reagan in 1986. In this article, Thompson writes about "a positive factor: the greater reliance on (and opportunity for) the United Nations to resolve perennial conflicts....In addition to a strengthened U.N., a New World Order requires understandings and divisions of labor among like-minded friends across the globe."
1994 - World Federalist Association will publish The Genius of Federation: Why World Federation Is the Answer to Global Problems, which will state: "Let the U.N. establish new agencies such as an International Criminal Court....National sovereignty would be gradually eroded until it is no longer an issue. Eventually a world federation can be formally adopted with little resistance."
1994 - April 14: Americans are killed as a result of a "friendly fire" attack while patrolling over Iraq, and Vice-President Al Gore will refer to them as "those who died in the service of the United Nations." !!!!!?????
1994 - May 3: President Clinton signs Presidential Decision Directive 25, which strengthens the U.N. and describes how American soldiers will serve under foreign commanders. PDD25 will only be released to top administration officials and a few member of Congress, the general public is refused access.
1994 - the McAlvany Intelligence Advisor March 1995 quotes Vladimir Zhirinovsky on Nov 9 at a press conference at the U.N. said, "There has long been a hidden agenda to merge America and Russia under the New World Order."
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1995 - Jan 27: Billionaire financier George Soros at the World Economic Forum at Davos, Switzerland, says the world needs a "new world order," and he further warns: "I am here to alert you that we are entering a period of world disorder."
1995 - July/August: In the CFR's Foreign Affairs, prominent CFR member Arthur Schlesinger, Jr. exclaims: "We are not going to achieve a new world order without paying for it in blood as well as in words and money."
1995 - The report, "Our Global Neighborhood," by The Commission on Global Governance (partly funded by the U.N. Development Program and endorsed by the U.N. Secretary-General) is released, and states: "A new world order must be organized....Global governance is the way we manage global affairs....nations have to accept that in certain fields, sovereignty has to be exercised collectively....We need to accept that there may be circumstances within countries when the security of people is so severely violated that external intervention becomes justified. We propose that the U.N. Charter be amended to permit intervention in such circumstances....We believe that there is a need for a highly trained U.N. Volunteer (military) Force....Accelerated progress must be made toward demilitarizing the international society...We strongly endorse community initiatives to ...encourage the disarming of civilians....The inadequac
1996 - Jan 24: U.S. Army Specialist Michael New is convicted at a court-martial on a charge of refusing an order to wear a U.N. insignia.
1996 - A Reporter's Life by Walter Cronkite is published, in which he proclaims: " if we are to avoid catastrophe, a system of world order--preferably a system of world government --is mandatory. The proud nations someday will ....yield up their precious sovereignty."
1996 - May 11 Journalist Joan Veon interviews David C. Korten, author of When Corporations Rule the World (1995) and former Ford Foundation project specialist in Manila. In this interview, Korten claims that: "the World Trade Organization is creating a world government in which one organization which is totally unelected, wholly secretive....with the power to virtually override and local or national laws if those in any way inconvenience global corporations....It was a terrible shock (to those of us who supported Bill Clinton) when Clinton came in and GATT and NAFTA became the centerpieces of his policy....And in a sense, there was almost a seamless transition from President Bush to President Clinton in that regard....Our democracy has been rendered meaningless by big money. The truth is there are politicians (who) are owned lock, stock and barrel by the big money interests....Our elections create, to some extent, a facade of choice."</
1996 - October 23: On "The Charlie Rose Show" on the Public Broadcasting System, Mikhail Gorbachev states: "We are part of the Cosmos. Cosmos is my God. Nature is my God....The future society will be a totally new civilization which will synthesize the experience of Socialism and Capitalism...."
1998 - May 5: The New York Times publishes "The New World Order" by A. M. Rosenthal, in which he writes: "The U.S., its democratic allies and major dictatorships are rapidly building a new world order....The U.S. gets to sell strategic material to China, offering as an extra a visit by the U.S. President to honor the Communist leaders and expand their power and political life span. Religious and political mavericks in the totalitarian partners of the new world order get prison, or death, often both. The press of the democracies gets to write about the growth of order in the new order. Other citizens of the democracies get to say costs of imported goods are down, how nice. Americans and Europeans may come to object for political or moral reasons, or because the new world order may after all cost
2001 - "There is a chance for the President of the United States to use this (9-11) disaster to carry out ... a new world order." (Gary Hart, at a televised meting organized by the CFR in Washington, D.C. Sept 14.)
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SELECTED WARNINGS ABOUT A 'NEW WORLD ORDER' from the founder of The John Birch Society, Robert Welch, and published in the Society's Bulletin:
1972 - May, page 10 "Or, as fellow Insider Mr. James Reston of the New York Times enthusiastically puts it, deliberately using the two-hundred years old language and slogan of the Conspiracy -- 'Mr. Nixon cannot become the head of a new world order (Novus Ordo Seclorum) unless the Communist nations are brought into the world order....' "
1972 - Sept, page 29 "This plan is to establish -- very soon -- the first stages of a 'new world order.' This will be the novus ordo seclorum for which a self-perpetuating inner circle of Conspirators has been working and scheming relentlessly during some six generations...."
1972 - Oct, page 28 "There should be no surprise for longtime readers of the Bulletin....that those plans include the conversion of the United States into a socialist nation....and the merger of that enslaved segment of mankind with other Communist nations into a New World Order. That goal, under that very name -- originally written in bastardized Latin as novus ordo seclorum -- has been envisioned by a Master Conspiracy for the past two hundred years as the ultimate product of all its crimes against humanity, and of all its subversive onslaughts against western civilization."
Are Vatican and U.N. Collaborating to Set Up New World Order? This editorial believes that the present pope is colluding with the U.N. to set up a New World Order.
Is the IRS Now Part of the IMF That is Part of the U.N.?
1. The IRS is not a U.S. Government Agency. It is an Agency of the IMF. (Diversified Metal Products v. IRS et al. CV-93-405E-EJE U.S.D.C.D.I., Public Law 94-564, Senate Report 94-1148 pg. 5967, Reorganization Plan No. 26, Public Law 102-391).
- The IMF is an Agency of the UN. (Blacks Law Dictionary 6th Ed. Pg. 816).
- The U.S. Has not had a Treasury since 1921. (41 Stat. Ch.214 pg. 654).
- The U.S. Treasury is now the IMF. (Presidential Documents Volume 29-No.4 pg. 113, 22 U.S.C. 285-288).
- The United States does not have any employees because there is no longer a United States. No more reorganization. After over 200 years of operating under bankruptcy it’s finally over. (Executive Order 12803) Do not personate one of the creditors or shareholders or you will go to Prison. (18 U.S.C.914). (Bush 41 http://www.waterindustry.org/12803.htm)
- The FCC, CIA, FBI, NASA and all of the other alphabet gangs were never part of the United States government. Even though the “US Government” held shares of stock in the various Agencies. (U.S. V. Strang , 254 US 491, Lewis v. US, 680 F.2d, 1239).
- The UN through the IMF issues Social Security Numbers. The Application for a Social Security Number is the SS5 form. The Department of the Treasury (IMF) issues the SS5 not the Social Security Administration. The new SS5 forms do not state who or what publishes them, the earlier SS5 forms state that they are Department of the Treasury forms. You can get a copy of the SS5 you filled out by sending form SSA-L996 to the SS Administration. (20 CFR chapter 111, subpart B 422.103 (b) (2) (2) Read the cites above).
- There are no Judicial courts in America and there has not been since 1789. Judges do not enforce Statutes and Codes. Executive Administrators enforce Statutes and Codes. (FRC v. GE 281 US 464, Keller v. PE 261 US 428, 1 Stat. 138-178).
- There have not been any Judges in America since 1789. There have just been Administrators. (FRC v. GE 281 US 464, Keller v. PE 261 US 428 1Stat. 138-178).
- According to the GATT you must have a Social Security number. House Report (103-826).
- We have One World Government, One World Law and a One World Monetary System.
- The UN is a One World Super Government.
- No one on this planet has ever been free!!. This planet is a Slave Colony. There has always been One World Government. It is just that now it is much better organized and has changed its name as of 1945 to the United Nations.
- New York City is defined in the Federal Regulations as the United Nations. Rudolph Gulliani stated on C-Span that “New York City was the capital of the World” and he was correct. (20 CFR chapter 111, subpart B 422.103 (b) (2) (2)).
- Social Security is not insurance or a contract, nor is there a Trust Fund. (Helvering v. Davis 301 US 619, Steward Co. V. Davis 301 US 548).
- Your Social Security check comes directly from the IMF, which is an Agency of the UN. Look at it if you receive one. It should have written on the top left United States Treasury.
- You own no property, slaves can’t own property. Read the Deed to the property that you think is yours. You are listed as a Tenant. (Senate Document 43, 73rd Congress 1st Session).
- The most powerful court in America is not the United States Supreme Court but the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania. (42 Pa.C.S.A. 502).
- The Revolutionary War was a fraud. See (22, 23 and 24).
- The King of England financially backed both sides of the Revolutionary war. (Treaty at Versailles July 16, 1782, Treaty of Peace 8 Stat 80).
- You can not use the Constitution to defend yourself because you are not a party to it. (Padelford Fay & Co. v. The Mayor and Alderman of The City of Savannah 14 Georgia 438, 520).
- America is a British Colony. (THE UNITED STATES IS A CORPORATION, NOT A LAND MASS, AND IT EXISTED BEFORE THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR AND THE BRITISH TROOPS DID NOT LEAVE UNTIL 1796.) Respublica v. Sweers 1 Dallas 43, Treaty of Commerce 8 Stat 116, The Society for Propagating the Gospel, &c. V. New Haven 8 Wheat 464, Treaty of Peace 8 Stat 80, IRS Publication 6209, Articles of Association October 20, 1774).
- Britain is owned by the Vatican. (Treaty of 1213).
- The Pope can abolish any law in the United States. (Elements of Ecclesiastical Law Vol.1 53-54).
- A 1040 form is for tribute paid to Britain. (IRS Publication 6209).
- The Pope claims to own the entire planet through the laws of conquest and discovery. (Papal Bulls of 1455 and 1493).
- The Pope has ordered the genocide and enslavement of millions of people.(Papal Bulls of 1455 and 1493).
- The Popes laws are obligatory on everyone. (Bened. XIV., De Syn. Dioec, lib, ix., c. vii., n. 4. Prati, 1844) (Syllabus, prop 28, 29, 44).
- We are slaves and own absolutely nothing not even what we think are our children. (Tillman v. Roberts 108 So. 62, Van Koten v. Van Koten 154 N.E. 146, Senate Document 43 & 73rd Congress 1st Session, Wynehammer v. People 13 N.Y. REP 378, 481).
- Military Dictator George Washington divided the States (Estates) into Districts. (Messages and papers of the Presidents Vo 1, pg 99. Websters 1828 dictionary for definition of Estate).
- “The People” does not include you and me. (Barron v. Mayor & City Council of Baltimore. 32 U.S. 243).
- The United States Government was not founded upon Christianity. (Treaty of Tripoli 8 Stat 154).
- It is not the duty of the police to protect you. Their job is to protect the Corporation and arrest code breakers. Sapp v. Tallahasee, 348 So. 2nd. 363, Reiff v. City of Philadelphia, 477 F.Supp. 1262, Lynch v. N.C. Dept of Justice 376 S.E. 2nd. 247).
- Everything in the “United States” is For Sale: roads, bridges, schools, hospitals, water, prisons, airports etc. I wonder who bought Klamath Lake? Did anyone take the time to check? (Executive Order 12803).
- We are Human capital. (Executive Order 13037).
- The UN has financed the operations of the United States government for over 50 years and now owns every man, women and child in America. The UN also holds all of the Land in America in Fee Simple.
- The good news is we don’t have to fulfill ”our” fictitious obligations. You can discharge a fictitious obligation with another’s fictitious obligation.
- The depression and World War II were a total farce. The United States and various other companies were making loans to others all over the World during the Depression. The building of Germany's infrastructure in the 1930s, including the Railroads, was financed by the United States. That way those who call themselves “King,” “Prime Minister,” ”Fuhrer,” etc. could sit back and play a game of chess using real people. Think of all of the Americans, Germans etc. who gave their lives thinking they were defending their Countries, which didn’t even exist. The millions of innocent people who died for nothing. Isn’t it obvious why Switzerland is never involved in these fiascoes? That is where the “Bank of International Settlements” is located. Wars are manufactured to keep your eye off the ball. You have to have an enemy to keep the illusion of Government” in place.
- The “United States” did not declare Independence from Great Britian or King George.
- Guess who owns the UN?
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U.N’s Small Arms Treaty if Signed By U.S. may Result in Confiscation of Civilian Arms
Here are some key points from the article
· Obama Administration support for small arms treaty that might make it illegal for citizens to own guns
· U.N. claims guns cause 300,000 deaths worldwide a year and signatory countries would need to eliminate certain classes of guns to undermine trade in small weapons. However history shows that sometimes guns allow citizens to get rid of despotic regimes. All despotic regimes take away gun rights from citizens.
· Article believes that Obama may use treaty signature as back way to introduce gun control in U.S. http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2010/may/27/the-un-gun-grabber/
Dear Fellow Patriots
With willing one-world accomplices in Washington, D.C., gun-grabbers around the globe believe they have it made.
In fact, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton just announced the Obama Administration would be working hand in glove with the UN to pass a new Small Arms Treaty.
This is Congressman Paul Broun from Georgia.
I’m writing you to make sure American citizens are prepared to oppose this assault on our national sovereignty and right to keep and bear arms.
Disguised as legislation to help in the fight against terrorism, insurgency and international crime syndicates, the U.N.’s Small Arms Treaty is nothing more than a massive, GLOBAL gun control scheme.
Ultimately, the U.N.’s Small Arms Treaty is designed to register, ban and CONFISCATE firearms owned by private citizens like YOU.
The National Association for Gun Rights has a Firearms Sovereignty Survey ready for you to complete, but I want you to understand just how dangerous this global gun ban is. Please bear with me for a moment.
https://news.personalliberty.com/pub/cc?_ri_=X0Gzc2X%3DS%3ApglLjHJlT%3ATWWU%3ATYUCAWA%3ABTABWTC%3ASSUYSY%3ATUCYUUBYD%3AG%3AaVXtpKX%3DBUWUTBD&_ei_= The above is part of a statement that came from Congressman Paul Broun from Georgia. The article came from Bob Livingston
The UN and Population Control Memorandum The National Security Study 200/Henry Kissinger
Page 19
Even over 35 years ago leaders were concerned about growth of world population!
Henry Kissinger helped author a memorandum called The National Security Study 200 concerning strategies to reduce population signed by President Ford in 1974 and declassified in 1987.
The actual document that is on-line, is about 200 pages long. After reading an executive summary it concludes that if we cannot stabilize population at about 8 billion by 2050 dire consequences are likely for vast numbers of people. At the time of the report approximately 4 billion people were alive and 10 million died of starvation every year. They discussed various ideas of reducing population such as raising the incomes of poor people, educating women and providing family planning including abortion. One prominent idea was to have families voluntarily have 1 and no more than 2 children.
A catch 22 dilemma discussed extensively in the executive summary was the fact that rate of population growth in developed countries was far lower than in undeveloped poor countries. In fact, the poorer countries had the greatest population growth. Unfortunately according to the document, the time it would take to develop these countries would be too late to stop the population explosion. Also although many of the poor countries GNP grew at a healthy rate, the increasing numbers of people needing to be fed consumed the growth. So instead of the growth being used to invest in infrastructure, education and other projects to improve the life of the people, the growth was simply invested in growing food to keep up with the expanding population.
According to the memorandum a growing number of experts felt it was already too late for voluntary measures to curb population. They felt that mandatory measures needed to be enacted to avoid future catastrophe. Some questions that people expounding this alternative view are presented below quoted directly from the document.
To be fair as far as I can tell the vast majority of the document discussed voluntary measures to reduce population. This alternative view only covered 1 or 2 pages. Here are some quotes
“The above basic strategy assumes that the current forms of assistance programs in both population and economic and social development areas will be able to solve the problem. There is however, another view, which is shared by a growing number of experts. It believes that the outlook is much harsher and far less tractable than commonly perceived. This holds that the severity of the population problem in this century which is already claiming the lives of more than 10 million people yearly, is such as to make likely continued widespread food shortage and other demographic catastrophes, and, in the words of C.P. Snow, we shall be watching people starve on television.
The conclusion of this view is that mandatory programs may be needed and that we should be considering these possibilities now.
This school of thought believes the following types of questions need to be addressed:
Should the U.S. make an all out commitment to major limitation of world population with all the financial and international as well as domestic political costs that would entail?
Should the U.S. set even higher agricultural production goals which would enable it to provide additional major food resources to other countries? Should they be nationally or internationally controlled?
On what basis should such food resources then be provided? Would food be considered an instrument of national power? Will we be forced to make choices as to whom we can reasonably assist, and if so, should population efforts be a criterion for such assistance?
Is the U.S. prepared to accept food rationing to help people who can't/won't control their population growth?
Should the U.S. seek to change its own food consumption patterns toward more efficient uses of protein?
Are mandatory population control measures appropriate for the U.S. and/or for others?
Should the U.S. initiate a major research effort to address the growing problems of fresh water supply, ecological damage, and adverse climate?
Page 20
While definitive answers to those questions are not possible in this study given its time limitations and its implications for domestic policy, nevertheless they are needed if one accepts the drastic and persistent character of the population growth problem. Should the choice be made that the recommendations and the options given below are not adequate to meet this problem, consideration should be given to a further study and additional action in this field as outlined above.
You can read National Security Study Memorandum 200, a 1974 geopolitical strategy document prepared by Rockefeller’s intimate friend and fellow Bilderberg member Henry Kissinger, which targeted thirteen countries for population reduction.
A comprehensive outline of what is contained in the National Security Memorandum document can be read at http://www.theinterim.com/july98/20nssm.html
After scanning the National Security Study Memorandum 200 here are some interesting items.
· Financial incentives were used in India to get men to have vasectomies. From a cost benefit analysis it was cost effective even though controversial.
· Female education especially at the 4th grade level and beyond correlates with reduction of family size. To be cost effective the focus needs to be on basic education rather than higher education.
· Low infant mortality correlates with reduced population fertility.
· Social Security Systems for the elderly reduces the need for lots of children to take care of you in your old age.
· It is well known that people with higher incomes have fewer children but did you know that the countries that have more even distribution of income have lower fertility rates. Since the poor always have the highest fertility according to this memorandum redistribution of wealth for population control makes sense! This being the case the rural poor would especially be targeted for increased income throughout the world.
· Utilization of mass media utilizing satellite communication to import information for family planning to hard to reach population is essential. Using mass media to inculcate values reinforcing smaller families would be highly effective with illiterate populations. Communications using radio could be effective with remote rural populations.
· By the time of the writing of the document there were close to 4 billion humans alive. If no population reductions occurred it was projected that 7 billion would inhabit the world by 2,000. The median projection if some population controls worked was 6.4 billion. If suddenly the whole world embraced population controls and by the year 2,000 the world was near replacement levels then the projection was 5.9 billion. It turns out that at the year 2,000 according to Wikipedia, we had 6,070,581,000. This was closest to the 5.9 billion. This means governments were fairly successful in reducing the rate of population growth. In 2010 we have 6,876,016,617 approximate human inhabitants.
· The document claimed that no country had a successful program of population control without the use of abortion. At that time in 1974, about 30 million pregnancies a year were terminated through abortions throughout the world.
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According to pro abortion groups courtesy of Alan Guttmacher Institute and Planned Parenthood Family Perspective there are approximately 42 million abortions throughout the world yearly now and approximately 115,000 abortions performed daily. 83% of the abortions are performed in developing countries while 13% are performed in industrialized countries.
A few items in the National Security Study 200 are worth commenting on. One of their findings claimed that countries that have more equal income distributions have lower population fertility rates. If you think about it logically if you live in a land where everyone makes about the same amount of money you are talking about a classless society or pure communism. I am curious of how the memorandum came up with that finding. If indeed this finding is valid then it might explain why the world elites might want to set up a socialist system if indeed one of their objectives is depopulation. If perceived to be true by those on the left I am surprised it has not been used as a justification for redistribution of wealth.
I wonder how successful the use of media has been to inculcate the value of having fewer children. I have not researched this but one individual mentioned to me several years ago that the U.N. and the Mexican government collaborated to introduce population control themes in the highly popular Novellas or Mexican Soap Operas that many in the population watch. All sorts of ideas such as having smaller families, the use of condoms and family planning were introduced as part of the story lines of various Novellas. Mexico was one of the 13 nations targeted in the National Security Study 200 document. According to my friend, this strategy was highly effective in changing the cultural mores of the population and the Mexican fertility rate although still higher than replacement needs did reduce the population rate of growth significantly.
In fact over all the ideas suggested and implemented as a result of this document were fairly successful! In my 7th bullet the document indicated that if government leaders of the least developed countries (LDC) take the ideas of reducing population growth seriously and actively do all they can to reduce the rate of population growth then the U.N lowest projection of population growth would occur and by the year 2,000 the world population would only increase to 5.9 billion people. This indeed almost happened. In the year 2,000 the actual population was just slightly over 6 billion!
Since the document focuses primarily on voluntary actions nations could take to induce their citizens to reduce population it would seem like that was how the success was achieved. However that probably is not completely true. China which contained about 1/3 to ¼ of the worlds population in the 1970ties, enforced mandatory 1 child families in many places forcing women who violated the rule to abort their babies.
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Scientific journals in later articles claimed we were on the cusp of creating anti-fertility vaccines by the 1980ties. Other articles below insist they were covertly employed in Nicaragua, Philippines, Mexico, and in various places in Africa. Finally others discuss the relationship between estrogen mimicking compounds in medicines, pesticides, make up and hormonal creams and their possible link to humans rapidly diminishing fertility through recent times!
Perhaps government programs especially the media are too effective. In industrialized countries in Europe, United States, Japan, the Russian confederation, and the Republic of Korea, many of these populations no longer produce enough babies to actually replace those who die. Thus the native populations of these countries are actually shrinking. In some cases the populations are still growing only because of the influx of immigrants. The United States is a nation whom is barely achieving replacement levels in terms of population. According to one source the two groups that are keeping our population barely at replacement levels are the Hispanic population and the fundamental Christian population. See the following U.N. report. www.un.org/esa/population/publications/migration/migration.htm
As an adult listening to the news I felt because of the population explosion the world would be a horrible place to live so I did not want children. It did not seem morally right to bring them into the world. Now that seems like an odd way to look at things. I wonder how much of that view I received from listening to the news. All I heard was what was wrong with the world. In addition, much of the media music scene seems to glorify being young and single and not raising families. How much of this has imprinted on our youth. Did this happen by accident or through carefully crafted propaganda. I don’t know, however I do know that individuals in most well off industrialized nations are not having enough children to keep their populations from shrinking. If populations shrink too quickly this too can cause dire consequences for nations.
Finally the document mentions that no country has successfully reduced their rate of population growth without utilizing abortion. Back in 1974, about 30 million abortions were performed in a year throughout the world. In the present day post 2,000 about 42 million abortions are performed each year worldwide. At the present rate of 42 million a year it takes about 24 or 25 years before 1 billion abortions are performed. Since the document was published in 1974, 36 years have passed so I suspect that over a billion abortions have been performed in that time.
More striking however is what I found out in the paragraph after the bullets. According to the pro-abortion groups I got the data from, 83% of the abortions performed in the world occur in developing nations while 17% are performed in developed nations. I guess the next question I need to figure out is what percent of the population lives in the undeveloped world. According to the Human
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Development Index 85.4% of the world’s population live in developing countries while 14.6% live in the developed world so considering the demographics of the population in developing verses developed countries the amount of abortions performed in each area seems about right and don’t represent the industrialized world purposely conducting genocide against undeveloped nations.
Soon One Person May Control What Foods We Grow and Eat According to a Bill Passed By Congress in 2010
Although this does not directly relate to the U.N., I put this article here because there is a worldwide movement to establish international norms and rules for many things that now are controlled by national governments. The article below this article makes an incredible claim that food will one day be used as a weapon to reduce population. This would be easier if 1 person or a small group of people controlled all regulations pertaining to the growing and consumption of food. This seems to be the intent of the recently passed Senate bill 510.
This links directly to the bill S-510 referred to as the, To amend the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act with respect to the safety of the food supply. To some the most dangerous bill ever conceived because a person in the government will have complete control over what food is grown and what food is banned as well as how food is processed!
The following link discusses concerns with the bill. www.govtrackinsider.com/articles/2010-10-15/s510
This is the text of the bill that passed the Senate. www.govtrack.us/congress/bill.xpd?bill=s111-510 Just click on the link that says full text. If you’re a little leery of the source, because it may seem too focused on “New World Order” here is a link to the bill passed by the Senate from the Library of Congress Thomas. http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/F?c111:3:./temp/~c111BmvRTy:e4244:
One of the most glaring things about the bill is that different parts are slashed out of the existing law and other parts are added to it then it tells you to refer to section such and such and paragraph such and such so if you are not specially trained then how is a layman suppose to figure out what the bill says! In addition, much of it is written in legalize so that makes it hard to interpret. However:
If you look at the first section 101 you find the following quote. (2) USE OF OR EXPOSURE TO FOOD OF CONCERN- If the Secretary believes that there is a reasonable probability that the use of or exposure to an article of food, and any other article of food that the Secretary reasonably believes is likely to be affected in a similar manner, will cause serious adverse health consequences or death to humans or animals, each person (excluding farms and restaurants) who manufactures, processes, packs, distributes, receives, holds, or imports such article shall, at the request of an officer or employee duly designated by the Secretary, permit such officer or employee, upon presentation of appropriate credentials and a written notice to such person, at reasonable times and within reasonable limits and in a reasonable manner, to have access to and copy all records relating to such article and to any other article of food that the Secretary reasonably believes is likely to be affected in a similar manner, that are needed to assist the Secretary in determining whether there is a reasonable probability that the use of or exposure to the food will cause serious adverse health consequences or death to humans or animals.
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First, the Secretary of the Food and Drug Administration will have complete control over the process of growing and processing food in the country. It is he who will determine what a reasonable probability that a food is unsafe.
What does cause serious adverse health consequences mean? Does it mean that 1 out of a hundred, thousand, ten thousand or one hundred thousand get sick to their stomach for a night or what? What criteria is this one human being going to use to decide whether I grow, process or consume a food?
What about death? If in a year 5 people whose immune systems are damaged for whatever reason die because they consumed raw cow’s milk, does that mean that I and the maybe 3,000 other people who have drank raw milk for years with no apparent adverse health impacts in Arizona now have to stop drinking raw milk? So what is going to be the criteria on deaths? If I swallow too large a piece of steak and get it lodged in my windpipe does that mean the consumption of steak will be outlawed some day because people can choke on it. Perhaps the consumption of tomatoes, broccoli, and chicken should be band because of salmonella.
Let’s look at another aspect of this just passed bill. It states at a later date after the passage of the bill, the FDA not our elected officials will create and flesh out the scope of the final regulations. If the past is any guide, whom do you think will be lobbying at the table hammering out these rules? Do you think it will be the small family farmers or your local CSA’s and organic farmers or will it be the huge agri-businesses present to protect their interests?
Let’s bring this down to a personal level. About ten years ago people in Arizona could buy raw milk from stores. Now it is outlawed. Even farmers can get in trouble for giving or selling raw cow or goat milk. I drank raw milk for many years without any ill effects. I happen to believe if you use common sense raw milk is far better for you than pasteurized milk. Come to think of it I have eaten raw hamburger, chicken, steak and fish for years without adverse health effects. Everybody says that is dangerous but I have been doing it for years.
But there is a growing movement for people to buy their milk fresh from trusted farmers. The CDC and FDA advise against it. Some day someone with a compromised immune system will probably die from fresh milk and it will be banned. You will only be able to get it from highly regulated factories.
To add insult to injury and to rub salt in a fresh wound the present secretary of The Food and Drug Administration appointed by President Barack Obama is Michael R Taylor formally a lawyer for Monsanto one of the bioengineering companies creating genetically modified food. There are no long term studies showing what impact genetically engineered food will have on us, the animals we feed it to or our environment! Under the Clinton administration he actively lobbied to introduce genetically engineered crops to farmers in Africa. See the articles directly below this article for more on Monsanto and Michael Taylor.
Here is related information from a CDC Survey in 2006-2007.
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CDC FoodNet Surveys Found that Approximately 3% of Population of 10 States Consumed Raw Milk Within 7 Day Period During 2006-2007
The interviews occurred with 17,372 people, representing a total population of 45,883,553 in the states of California, Colorado, Connecticut, Georgia, Maryland, Minnesota, New Mexico, New York, Oregon and Tennessee at taxpayers expense. Page 13 of the link contains the data concerning the raw milk consumption in the 10 states. http://www.cdc.gov/foodnet/surveys/FoodNetExposureAtlas0607_508.pdf Officials were comfortable because of the size of the sample, projecting that approximately 3% of the nation’s population was consuming raw milk at that time.
According to the following websites, the laws against consumption of raw milk have been on the books for quite a few years before the FDA began it’s systematic crackdown on its consumption in 2006-2007. These websites allege that until this time the consumption of unpasteurized raw milk was increasing rapidly causing the major diary companies to pressure the FDA to begin a crackdown. In addition, there have been cases of individuals becoming sick from the consumption of raw milk but no deaths and little said about the numbers of consumers that consumed raw milk. If the above data from the CDC surveys is accurate maybe 1 or 2 in a thousand actually experience intestinal sickness and reported the sickness from consuming it. Balance this against the possible benefits for the other 999 out of 1,000 that consumed it. Many of the prescription drugs that doctors prescribe are also known to cause side affects in small numbers of the population but these drugs have still been approved by the FDA. http://www.farmtoconsumer.org/open-letter-to-fdas-dairy-head-john-sheehan-bemis.htm http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2011/07/06/ron-paul-vs-the-fda-milk-police.aspx
Can Food be Employed As A Weapon to Reduce Population Using GMO Foods? See also File Trends Toward a New World Order page 49 for more on GMO foods.
Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) have DNA in their cells that would not occur under natural conditions. For example if goat and spider DNA are found in the same organism then this would be a Genetically Modified Organism because under natural conditions spiders and goats don’t mate.
At one point scientists were working on or they created a tomato resistant to cold by inserting DNA from a deep cold water fish. This would be another example of a GMO food.
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GMO’s are considered dangerous by some especially those created from pollen fertilizing plants because pollen from GMO species can cross pollinate and contaminate natural species. GMO corn and alfalfa cross pollinate and contaminate the seeds from naturally or organically grown corn. Some studies indicate that animals and humans are adversely affected when they consume these GMO foods.
Monsanto has also genetically modified many crop plants so once they are planted, they produce seeds that self destruct forcing farmers to buy seeds from Monsanto each year to plant new crops instead of harvesting seeds from their previous crops. Again the introduction of such plants especially if they are pollen producers can cross pollinate with their natural counterparts and perhaps over time affect our food supply so that everyone will be reliant on places like Monsanto to get new seeds over time.
Recognizing that the affect of GMO food on our health has not been carefully studied, one can go to the health store to buy naturally feed beef yet the beef may be contaminated. The farmer with good intentions believes that he feed his cattle natural alfalfa but if there is a GMO farm within pollinating distance, some of his feed may come from contaminated plants which the cow ate, thus the meat you ate would also be contaminated with genetically modified DNA.
Relationship Between GMO Foods, Monsanto and Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas These issues have lead to many court cases involving GMO foods in the U.S. and the Supreme Court is expected to rule on the cases soon. However, according to this source, Associate Justice Clarence Thomas represented Monsanto as an attorney from 1977-1979, yet he has not disqualified himself from the case due to direct conflict of interest. This last fact peaked my interest so I googled Biography of Clarence Thomas to see for myself it this fact was true. Of the first 9 biographies that I skimmed 7 indicated that he performed legal services for Monsanto at the time indicated while the other 2 sites did not mention it. Elena Kagan, Obama’s most recent Supreme Court pick also sided with Monsanto when she was Solicitor General. By the way many Western European countries ban the use of GMO foods completely! The link below also claims that justice Stephen Breyer also has a conflict of interest. www.celsias.com/article/ex-monsanto-lawyer-clarence-thomas-hear-major-mons/
Strangely enough, this source claims that the U.S.D.A has the patent on the terminator gene that is the gene in plants that causes plants seeds to self-destruct.
The links below go into more details concerning GMO foods and show how they can be manipulated in such a way to reduce human populations over time.
Please visit Cassandra Anderson’s website at www.MorphCity.com <http://www.MorphCity.com> for more information
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Michael R Taylor Secretary of Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Formally Lawyer for Monsanto
It is interesting to note that Michael Taylor the current head of the Food and Drug Administration was formally a lawyer for Monsanto! Here is what the Organic Consumer Association says about him. I have researched that he definitely worked for Monsanto. I have not researched the rest.
Michael R. Taylor's appointment by the Obama administration to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on July 7th sparked immediate debate and even outrage among many food and agriculture researchers, NGOs and activists. The Vice President for Public Policy at Monsanto Corp. from 1998 until 2001, Taylor exemplifies the revolving door between the food industry and the government agencies that regulate it. He is reviled for shaping and implementing the government's favorable agricultural biotechnology policies during the Clinton administration.
Yet what has slipped under everyone's radar screen is Taylor's involvement in setting U.S. policy on agricultural assistance in Africa. In collusion with the Rockefeller and Bill and Melinda Gates foundations, Taylor is once again the go-between man for Monsanto and the U.S. government, this time with the goal to open up African markets for genetically-modified (GM) seed and agrochemicals. http://www.organicconsumers.org/articles/article_18866.cfm
Here is a run down on some history concerning Michael Taylor from Wikipedia. After graduating in law Michael became a staff attorney for the FDA for a few years. He then represented Monsanto leading the firm’s Food and drug law practice for 10 years. He again did a short stint under Clinton in the FDA as the newly created post of Deputy Commissioner of Policy. Later he returned to Monsanto to become the vice president for Public Policy. On July 7, 2009, he was appointed by Obama as a senior advisor to the FDA Commissioner.
The Food and Drug Administration put out a blurb about him when Obama rehired him back to work at the FDA. There was no mention of his work with Monsanto. http://www.fda.gov/NewsEvents/Newsroom/PressAnnouncements/ucm170842.htm
According to information I found outlined in more detail in Trends Toward a New World Order in the article titled Genetically Engineered Food, Links For Further Study on page 49, in 1996 when genetically modified foods were 1st introduced into the U.S. FDA scientists were very concerned about the differences between conventional and modified foods speculating that genetically modified foods might caused unpredictable unknown health problems that should be studied carefully before introducing such foods into the environment. However, it seems that despite the scientists concerns the higher up bosses in FDA came to the opposite conclusion stating that there is little difference between the two types of food therefore genetically modified food is safe. It would be interesting to find out how much influence Michael Taylor had on the decision making process with him being a lawyer for Monsanto for so many years.
Monsanto Ready to Market Genetically Modified Plant Resistant to Aluminum But Why?
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Killing plant life would not help humans much so Monsanto is ready to market plants with a gene resistant to aluminum in soils it is trying to market to farmers. http://www.ifpri.org/publication/delivering-genetically-engineered-crops-poor-farmers Why are such plants needed unless aluminum is suddenly becoming part of our soils? If so this would be unfortunate for aluminum is toxic to life especially when ingested. Some conspiracy theorists claim that aluminum containing compounds are being sprayed in the upper atmosphere by jets (Con Trails or Chem Trails) presumably to inject small reflective particles into the upper atmosphere to combat global warming. The conspiracy theorists claim actually the particles are toxic and are designed to reduce human fertility and perhaps kill a percentage of the population. See the articles titled Unilateral Geo-engineering written by The Council on Foreign Relations on page 22 and The Potential or Real Dark Side of Geo-engineering on page 24 of the file called The Relationship Between The Military Industrial Complex, Defense Spending, Semi-permanent or Permanent War and the Rise of Tyranny.
60 Minutes/4/4/10/Should Biotech Firms Be Able to Own Human Genes
· Since the mapping of the human genome scientists have made great strides in detecting and treating inherited diseases. By locating defective mutations on two genes responsible for breast cancer, doctors can offer preventative treatments.
· There is a catch. Women may have those 2 defective genes but those genes are really the property of a biotech company called Myriad Genetics according to U.S. law. So far because of this law, 10,000 human genes have been patented in this way, thus about 1/3 of your genes are owned by biotech companies. Gee isn’t our enslavement wonderful! Whether you like it or not, a vital part of who you are, is owned by someone else.
· One woman whose family history showed repeated cases of aggressive breast cancer decided to get tested. The test cost $3,300 dollars and her insurance would not pay the total price for the test so the lab refused to give it to her. Understand in most European countries human genes can not be owned by people and the price of the test is a fraction of what it cost in the U.S.
· A positive result on the test indicates that a woman has five times the risk for breast cancer and 40 times the risk for ovarian cancer.
· Myriad Genetics owns the patents on both of the genes that in their defective state produce breast cancer. Therefore they are the only ones that do the test and if a women wants a second opinion too bad. However obtaining second opinions has been a right of patients for centuries. Here is the 60 Minutes link to the segment. http://www.cbsnews.com/video/watch/?id=6362525n#ixzz1Tu377cbp
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Animal-Human Hybrids Spark Controversy/National Geographic News 1/25/2005 http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2005/01/0125_050125_chimeras_2.html
· In 2003, Chinese scientists fused rabbit eggs with human cells. The chimeras or creatures that have parts of 2 or more animals within one body, are considered the first created in the world using genetic manipulation. Persons that have valves from pigs or cows for their hearts would also be chimeras because they have parts from 2 or more animals in one body.
· In Michigan researchers created pigs with human blood coursing through their veins.
· Stanford researchers are working on creating mice with varying amounts of human brains.
· Some countries such as Canada passed laws severely limiting or outlawing such research practices while other nations such as the United States have passed no such laws.
Genetically Modified Cows Produce Human Milk
Human Animal Hybrids!
Although mixing human and animal genes is frowned upon and is probably illegal except under stringent conditions in U.S., it still probably occurs and is not illegal elsewhere. See the articles starting on page 29. Here are a couple of links but if you google the title you will get a lot of articles.
Since such animals exist it throws a curve ball on what it means to be a human. What legal rights would such creatures have? What responsibility would we have toward such creatures? Do we really want to go down this road?
Details of hybrid clone revealed
It is believed that a cell from a man’s leg and a cow’s egg were used to generate the clone. The DNA from the cow egg was removed and the DNA from the man’s cell was inserted into the cow egg. The modified egg was exposed to chemicals stimulating it to grow as an embryo. The cells divided for 12 days before the scientists killed it, stating that was not really alive because it takes a human embryo about 14 days to attach itself to the uterine wall.
The cells described above are called stem cells because any of them have the potential to become a cell in any part of the human body. At some point scientists may know what switches in the stem cell to turn on and off DNA to cause the cell to take the characteristics of any part of the human body.
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Human Embryo’s Cloned by 2001 http://archives.cnn.com/2001/TECH/science/11/25/human.embryo.clone/
U.S. Drops Treaty to Ban Cloning. http://www.nytimes.com/2004/11/20/international/20nations.html?_r=1&oref=login&pagewanted=print&position= According to the article, the U.S. could not get enough support from other members of the U.N. to establish a ban in 2004.
Of Mice, Men and In-Between
Scientists Debate Blending Of Human, Animal Forms
A lot of info in this article is covered in other places but here are further interesting facts taken directly from the article.
· In Nevada, there are sheep whose livers and hearts are largely human.
· In California mice have human cells firing in their brains.
· No Federal guidelines exist for the question, how human must an animal be before stringent guidelines are observed for research.
· For many years scientists have added human genes to bacteria and farm animals that allow the animals to create human proteins such as insulin for use as medicines.
· Scientists have injected human cells into pig fetuses and these cells multiply within the pigs so the pig is part human and part pig. Also some of the human and pig cells fuse creating hybrid cells containing both human and pig material.
· The upside of such activities is organs can be harvested from these creatures and used for human transplants. The downside is that viruses that only attack pigs can lodge in these fused cells and adapt and modify themselves so they can attack humans. According to the Washington Post scientists consider this a real danger for any type of animal human hybrid produced for these purposes.
· Irving Weissman, director of Stanford University’s Institute of Cancer/Stem Cell Biology and Medicine, helped create the first mouse with a nearly complete human immune system. Such animals in his view are invaluable in testing drugs for AIDS virus since regular mice do not succumb to this disease.
· He is studying how human cells evolve and connect to mouse cells over time and hope to discover early development flaws that occur in human infants or children which might later lead to brain diseases such as Lou Gehrig’s, Parkinson disease and other brain disorders. His group has created mice with varying percentages of human brain cells within their brains.
· He is contemplating creating mice with 100% human brains. If the brains organize themselves in a human way he would kill the mice. He is asking the University’s ethics department for an opinion.
Beyond playing with creation, other questions arise concerning the creation of chimeras or animal human hybrids. At some point might some of these critters escape or be taken by devious lab workers and make it into the wilds or to the human food supply to mate. At some point do I or my prodigy have to wonder when we consume bacon that we are consuming part human meat?
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http://www.infowars.com/articles/brave_new_world/chimera.htm Contains a synopsis of the 4 or 5 articles, listed above, from Washington Post, New York Times, CNN and BBC describing scientific research on human cloning and creation of human animal chimeras!
Plant Animal Hybrids and Plant Bacterial Hybrids/PBS
According to this PBS article, scientists attempted to splice a gene from an artic flounder into tomatoes to produce tomatoes that were frost resistant. The scientists were not successful in this endeavor but they have produced corn and soy beans resistant to herbicides using genes from bacteria. http://www.pbs.org/wnet/dna/pop_genetic_gallery/index.html
USDA Backs Production of Rice with Human Genes/Washington Post Friday, March 2, 2007. The genetically modified rice produces human proteins found in our immune system in the seeds. Doctors would like to use these proteins to help cure diarrhea that kills over 12 million children in the world every year.
USDA Won’t Impose Restrictions On Biotech Alfalfa/Wall Street Journal 1/27/2011
The Obama Administration abandoned the proposal to restrict genetically modified alfalfa that tolerates high levels of the herbicide Roundup in its view to eliminate regulations that are burdensome to business. The vast majority of the nation’s corn, soybeans, and cotton are grown from genetically modified varieties. Some biotechnology officials have predicted that U.S. farmers will use genetically modified seeds to grow ½ of the nation’s alfalfa. In the week following this article the USDA is expected to decide whether to approve the planting of genetically modified sugar beets in time for this year’s planting. Below are concerns. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703399204576108601430251740.html?mod=wsj_share_twitter
· According to Federal rules relating to organic foods, organic farmers cannot sell any foods as organic if the food has any DNA in the food that is genetically modified. Even the Secretary of the USDA Tom Vilsack, admits in an open letter to stakeholders in this conflict, stated that the risk that pollen from genetically modified plants contaminating natural varieties is substantial rendering their seeds no longer natural. http://www.usda.gov/documents/Open_Letter_Stakeholders_12-30-2010.pdf This law applies to any organically raised cattle as well. If these cattle acidently consume genetically modified alfalfa then the meat of these cattle according to Federal rules could no longer be sold as organic meat.
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· The following concerns do not come from the Wall Street Journal article. According to Dr. Joseph Mercola three organic producers including Whole Foods, caved into Monsanto’s demands to allow genetically modified alfalfa to be grown along side organically grown natural alfalfa. http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2011/03/05/whole-foods--major-betrayal-of-organic-movement.aspx
· I have not documented the following here but some of the concerns can be found in this file, other files or on the internet.
· The primary concern about the introduction of genetically modified foods is that their has been no long term experiments studying their impact on humans, other plants and animals in the environment. The fact that they are here now, illustrates that we and the rest of life are part of this great experiment to determine the long term impact of genetically modified food!
· Preliminary comments from internet sources claim the following. Many animals fed genetically modified food suffer from infertility, hormonal disruptions, allergies and other auto-immune disorders. Others claim that these disorders are rising in the human population in direct correlation to the increasing exposure of our species to genetically modified products. See the following articles in the post, The U.N. in relationship to the New World Order Part II.Could Increasing Use of Vacines, GMO's and other Chemicals Cause rise in Chronic Illness on page 61.
· One particularly frightening theory proposes that the Colony Collapse Syndrome recently affecting honeybees may be caused by their ingestion of genetically modified pollen. Honeybees are critical to human food supplies for they are the main pollinators of our fruits and vegetables.
Can Corn With Part of HIV Virus Infect People
This article has many links to medical and main stream sources such as Reuters, World Health Organization, University of Georgia, New Scientists. It would probably take a long time to get through the links. Here’s an overview. Scientists have noted a causal relationship between the incidence of HIV infections and the consumption of corn in sub Sahara Africa. Many studies believe a fungus that grows on the corn impairs the immune system of those whom eat it allowing them to be more susceptible to HIV infections. Some scientists believe a change to eliminate the offending fungus could eliminate 1,000,000 new infections a year!
There is another intriguing frightening possibility. A New Scientist article linked in the article claims a company called Prodigenes created a strain of corn genetically modified to contain a key protein found on the surface of the Monkey form of HIV. I think this corn was grown also in sub Sahara Africa. This company was involved in the sterilization of thousands in Peru and was key in developing genetically modified food fed to poor people. It faced actions in the U.S for questionable actions and was disbanded but the CEO of the company was appointed by Bush in 2002 to the Board of Food and Agricultural Development
Rewinding evolution: Scientists alter chicken DNA to create embryo with 'alligator-like' snout http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2027558/Scientists-undo-evolution-create-chicken-maniraptora-snout.html?ito=feeds-newsxml
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Scientist involved in this process hope to create the dinosaur creature which was the ancestor for most modern birds. Scientists soon hope to alter evolution in a forward way as well to engineer animals to adapt to climate change. It is also hoped that the break through will pave the way to alter genes in human genes with birth defects. The article also has links to related articles.
Food Movement Rising/Michael Pollan: A Deeper Look Into the U.S. Food Movement
Michael deeply analyzes the impact food has on all aspects of life and observes the various factions within the movement that sometimes work at cross purposes. http://michaelpollan.com/articles/ Food Movement Rising is the third link down at this website although he has several articles related to the topic and is the author of the book Omnivore’s Dilemma.
Population Reduction 2012 Codex Alimentarius
Here are statements from the video which could be researched.
The most basic of pagan practices is to control human population to create perfect balance between Humans and nature
The Following was taken from a speaker at the National Association of Nutrition Professionals NANP-2005 Conference Codex Alimentarious My comments are in bold
- He who controls food, controls the world!. Senate Bill 510 passed in 2010 turns control of food production and processing to the Secretary of the Food and Drug Administration. See the article above this one and on the top of page 23 of this file.
- In 1962 meeting under U.N. they said, “We are going to work toward the total global implementation of Codex Alimentarius on December 31, 2009.
- The Codex alimentarius Commission is administered by World Health Organization and the FAO (Food Agricultural Organization). The Fund Codex Alimentarius and they run it at the request of the U.N.
- In 1994, Codex with no notice in this country, declared nutrients to be toxins. Under Codex every cow on the planet must be treated with Monsantos recombinant growth hormone. I found this hard to believe but carbon dioxide which plants need to survive has been declared a pollutant by the EPA in 2009 or 2010 so if it is a pollutant I guess you could also call it a toxin!
Every animal used for feed on the planet must be treated with sub clinical antibiotics and must be treated with exogenous growth hormones. It is common practice to provide antibiotics to cattle and poultry in this country. According to the Union of Concern Scientists and others this is the primary cause of over 100,000 deaths a year in our hospitals because of bacterial resistance to antibiotics. See the Article on page 21 of Health Trends titled Antibiotic Fed Cattle Cause 100,000 deaths a year.
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- WHO, FAO projects that the vitamin/mineral guidelines alone once globally implemented will kill 2 Billion people from contaminated food or malnourishment. 1 billion more will die from starvation. Senator McCain introduced a bill called The Dietary Supplement Act of 2010 to give the FDA the power to regulate and control herbal supplements and vitamins.
- Vaccinations are used to sterilize populations. Some batches of the H1N1 flu vaccine caused sterilization in women. Some WHO workers were arrested in the Philippines after causing sterilization of 3 million women. A similar incident occurred in Sub Sahara Africa. See pages 42-61 in the post, The U.N. in Relationship to the New World Order Part II for a slew of articles indicating that vaccines might be employed to reduce populations!
Alex Jones made the following comments in the next part of the video.
- U.N. put out dozens of documents calling for 80% reduction in world population.
- In the Bejing 1997 Women’s Conference the head of the U.N. Food Program said, “We will use food as a weapon against the people.
Different speakers commented on the use of other poisons to reduce population
· 66% of Americans drink fluoridated water treated from industrial waste causing bone cancer, joint problems, lower estrogen and testosterone levels and dental problems.
· Go to hardware store and look at all the rat poisons to see that sodium fluoride is the man ingredient.
· Google Health effects of Flouride in drinking water. You will find an overwhelming number of studies showing the harmful effects of the practice!
· Danon along with other companies fluoridate bottled water
· Flouride used in many anti-depressant prescriptions decreasing aggression and motivation in people
· Russians experimented with people living in the concentration camps and found that fluoridating their drinking water reduced their levels of aggression.
· An active ingredient in prozac is a fluoride compound.
· Check out this video clip from Fox News on February 14, 2011 mentioning the downside of fluoride. There was one amazing statistic if true. According to the doctor interviewed 41% of teenagers 12-15 have tooth deformities related to fluoride. Many communities are attempting to get rid of fluoridated water. www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=Gp3wJjzrrhE#at=282
Toxic Compounds in American Water
- Now arsenic, lead, cadium, and a radioactive form of lead is showing up in public water all across the United States!
- Cancer, lower sex drive, birth defects, sedation and brain defects are likely caused by toxic elements within our environment.
- Dr. Phyllis Mullenix a Nuerotoxicist employed by the Forsyth Dental Center found that these toxic substances increase ADD, memory and IQ deficiencies. We are reducing the IQ of our children. Within days of the statement, she was fired and has not received any more grants to pursue her studies.
- 98% of Western Europe rejects the fluoridation of their water yet studies show their children’s teeth are just as healthy as our children’s teeth.
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Aspertane most commonly used low sugar sweetener
· Made from 3 poisons, Methanol (causes blindness), Aspartic acid (causes brain legions) and some other kind of acid. We knew that aspartic acid caused these brain legions back in the 1970ties.
I wish I had time to research all these statements.
As Part of Codex Alimentarius
In order to take a supplement not available over-the-counter, you will have to see a physician, who will write you a prescription, and of course the manufacturer of that "supplement" will be BIG PHARMA!! Google 2010 Dietary Supplement Bill Sponsored by Senator John McCain to see that we may be indeed headed in that direction
God help us all. We are in DEEP trouble.
FDA Rules Won't Require Labeling of Genetically Modified Salmon Washington Post by Lyndsey Layton, Saturday, September 18, 2010 http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/09/18/AR2010091803520.html Before reviewing this article here are some facts to consider. When genetically modified foods first entered the market, FDA documents and scientists raised concerns because studies had not been done concerning these foods impact on human health and the environment. www.safe-food.org/-issue/fda.html Some preliminary studies and other scientists hypothesize that genetically modified food adversely impact immune function and fertility rates in humans and other animal species. Here are scientific links regarding this concept. Institute for Responsible Technology, “Genetically Modified Soy Linked to Sterility, Infant Mortality” The Voice of Russia April 16, 2010 Grist April 20, 2010
Jeffrey Smith Interview Transcript (PDF) Huffington Post April 20, 2010 Since preliminary studies I read indicate that GMO foods adversely impact immune function and fertility, one can deduce that incidents of immune disorders and infertility might increase as genetically modified foods are covertly introduced into our food supply. The following links do indicate that immune disorders and infertility are rapidly increasing! The CDC discusses the magnitude of chronic illness in our society. I include it because many chronic illnesses involve immune disorder components. The other disorders I will briefly discuss below scientists now believe have immune disorder components as well. www.cdc.gov/chronicdisease/overview/index.htm Arthritis rates are increasing. www.everydayhealth.com/arthritis/why-more-people-are-living-with-arthritis.aspx From 1980-2009 crude prevalence of diagnosed diabetes increased by 164% www.cdc.gov/diabetes/prev/national/figage.htm Although scientists throughout the world have not clearly defined what food allergies are the CDC and others believe the rate of food allergies are increasing. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1679775/ http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/databriefs/db10.htm From 1998 until 2006 the number of children admitted to hospitals with allergy conditions more than tripled from approximately 2,016 average cases from 1998 to 2000 to and average of 9,537 cases per year from 2004-2006!! Here is the title and link to the CDC website. Food Allergies Among Children Becoming More Common Over Time http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/databriefs/db10.htm The following link discusses the increases of allergies throughout the world although they connect it with the increasing use of vaccines. Allergies Statistics Around the World Allergies

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Relationships to Vaccinations http://barbfeick.com/vaccinations/allergy/403-statistics.htmAsthma rates increasing in U.S., despite less smoking and
decreased air pollution [Updated/Los Angeles Times/5/4/2011 http://www.latimes.com/health/boostershots/la-heb-asthma-rates-increasing-05032011,0,866950.story The data according to the article is taken from the CDC. The incidence of Crohn’s Disease increasing over time. http://www.medpagetoday.com/MeetingCoverage/DDW/14463 Thyroid Cancers Increasing, in fact, according to new data from the National Cancer Institute (NCI), thyroid cancer diagnoses have increased at a rate of 6.5 percent a year from 1997 to 2006. Scientists don't know why. http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2009/05/090504205917.htm However, according to the American Cancer Society the incidents and death rate for most other kinds of cancer have declined. Fertility rates among humans are also declining. https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/rankorder/2127rank.html The following links connects genetically modified soy to sterility in animal tests. Institute for Responsible Technology, “Genetically Modified Soy Linked to Sterility, Infant Mortality”
I think the above links show that we should be concerned with genetically modified food. I would think that consumers should know if they are buying genetically engineered food products but the FDA does not feel the same way! Here are some interesting findings from the Washington Post Article. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/09/18/AR2010091803520.html
· Despite growing demand by the public for information about how food in this case salmon, is produced, the FDA says it can not require a label on this genetically modified food because the FDA says the altered fish is not materially different from other salmon. However, the FDA does make it difficult for growers of conventional food to claim that their products are not genetically modified.
· This is an important decision because genetically modified food is common in agricultural crops especially corn, soybeans and alfalfa, however this is the first time a genetically engineered animal is being considered as a food source. This genetically altered Atlantic salmon is programmed to grow twice as fast as naturally created salmon. Consumer advocacy groups are worried because if this salmon is approved many genetically altered beef, pork and fish products are lined up behind the salmon for Federal approval.
· According to the article, advisory committees are meeting to decide if the product should be approved and a separate committee is meeting to decide if the salmon is approved whether it should be labeled as genetically altered or remained unlabeled. The committees will submit their findings to the FDA Commissioner who will make the final decisions on both counts.
· Bio tech companies are against labeling stating they will mislead the public. The FDA defends its stance on the labeling claiming that labeling in this case will simply mislead the public because although the salmon produced in this case is by a different process, the salmon is not really different from other salmon. Thus to label it as a genetically modified food simply misleads the public and it is the duty of the FDA to protect the public from mislabeled food. Perhaps they feel the same way about other genetically modified foods that remain unlabeled.
· FDA claims that law states that unless the GMO food differs in taste, texture, nutritional components or contains allergens that the natural food does not have then it is technically the same as the natural food so the label would be misleading and discriminatory if placed on the GMO food.
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· In Europe the laws require producers to label genetically modified foods so such food cannot be found because few are willing to buy it. In the U.S. the FDA suggests that companies voluntarily label any genetically modified food but no one does because producers know their sales would plummit.
· If U.S consumers want to be certain not to get GMO salmon they need to buy wild samon. Most of the salmon produced in U.S is farmed.
· Use of genetically engineered crops in U.S.A. is skyrocketing. The article claims that Agricultural Department states that 93% of soybeans crop of 2010 is genetically modified. By products of the GMO crops such as soy lecithin found in thousands of processed items such as cereals, breakfast bars and chocolate bars are not labeled as genetically modified.
· The FDA told diary industry they could not use hormone free label on milk from cows not receiving genetically engineered hormones because all cow milk contains some hormones
Senate Debates Pros and Cons of Introducing Genetically Modified Salmon Into U.S. Food Supply
Here is interesting Senate testimony concerning a company that wants to place genetically modified Salmon into the U.S. food supply. So far as I know, genetically modified meat has not yet entered our food supply. If this salmon gets approved there are several other companies with genetically modified meat products waiting in the wings to get their products approved and on the supermarket shelves. Remember if they get these products approved, they won't have to label them so you won't know which meat is genetically modified.
You need to go to minute 29 on the link. This is where the Senate testimony starts. Genetically modified salmon Senate Testimony http://commerce.senate.gov/public/index.cfm?p=Hearings&ContentRecord_id=09660b72-d9b2-4144-81a9-3ac9943b417f&ContentType_id=14f995b9-dfa5-407a-9d35-56cc7152a7ed&Group_id=b06c39af-e033-4cba-9221-de668ca1978
Despite the mantra of my Republican friends I guess we do not live in a free market society. In a free market, consumers determine by their spending decisions which products become successful. I guess the FDA knows better than us. They have decided that GMO foods are good for us so they cannot be labeled GMO’s because the stupid public would discriminate against the good producers of these foods. I am sure there is no corruption in the FDA like there was with the banking, oil, ATF and other regulating agencies.
I suppose if you are well off you can serve your children organic food assuming the organic labels do not become corrupted. Unfortunately eventually all organic food will be contaminated with GMO food if we don’t take a stand. Perhaps the powerful wealthy small organic farming lobby can obtain large tax breaks and subsidies from Congress to start large underground or massive organic farming stations in space to avoid the pollen contamination from the GMO foods. Hey I can dream to can’t I?
Dare I ask the question? Forget about liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Is our government protecting our lives or are they endangering our lives and the lives of everything else? Check the second paragraph of the Declaration of Independence if you need further guidance in what to do. Cherio!
*Note I asked a food manager at Sunflower, if genetically modified foods are already on our shelves at grocery stores. He stated according to FDA rules food producers do not have to label their foods if they are GMO foods. I asked him how he would know if foods at Sunflower were natural or GMO. He told me Sunflower like other health food stores,asks their suppliers if their foods are natural and thus Sunflower has to rely on the word of their suppliers.
State Initiatives Petitions to Label GMO Foods
Connecticut Vermont failed to Pass GMO labeling Bills
Monsanto has influenced legislation in other nearby states such as Pennsylvania and Ohio to back off labeling such foods threatening these states with expensive lawsuits.
Strategies To Reduce Population
Leaders throughout the world have been discussing strategies for population control for a long time. The present science czar appointed by President Obama wrote a book
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called Ecoscience in 1974 discussing various proposals for population control including forced sterilizations, compulsory abortions and substances placed in water or basic food supplies to reduce over all fertility of a given population to be supervised by an over all planetary regime. The following link provides not only the quotes but the pages within the book Ecoscience where each quote can be found. By reading the over all pages where the quotes are found you get a sense of how John Holdren thinks!
I decided to get a copy of the book Ecoscience myself which was co-published by John Holdren, Paul R Ehrlich and Anne H Ehrlich. I checked see if the quotes were in the book. Indeed they were. Next I was amazed at the depth and breath of the book. It contains an incredible amount of information with footnotes as well as recommendations for further reading and additional resources for each of the chapters. It also gives historical overviews for many of the concepts yet despite this, the book is interesting and fairly easy to read although it is in a textbook like format. I am sure it has been used in many colleges and universities. To give you some idea of what it covers I will list some of the titles of the chapters with explanations where necessary. Chapter one is Population, Resources: Dimensions of the Human Predicament. Chapter two is titled The Physical Word which includes Earth’s Solid Surface and Below. The Hydrosphere which is anything related to water and the area reacting with the water including rivers, lakes and oceans and the final part of the chapter is called atmosphere and climate. Chapter 3 is called Nutrition Cycles including dynamics, chemistry and cycles of the principal nutrients. The book then goes into great detail about population and renewable resources covering 3 chapters including the history and future projections of population as well as impact on land, water and forests. The next section of chapters discusses energy and materials. The next section covers environmental disruptions that occur with our expanding population including air and water pollution, pesticides and related compounds, trace minerals, fluoride, chemical mutagens, ionizing radiation, cancer and the environment, the work environment and others. The final section discusses this human predicament and finding solutions to the potential population explosion. In this section in chapters 12-15 are where most of the controversial quotes can be found.
Two things intrigue me about Ecoscience other than the massive amount of footnotes and references. It is over a thousand pages long yet often interesting. I am going to try to read it. Yet with so much writing it is easy not to even notice some of the disturbing quotes unless they are pointed out. I have found this also with legislation as well as government documents. The devil is in the details.
Those who dismiss John Holdren as far out radical do themselves and Dr. Holdren a disservice endangering all of us. He may be radical but he and the other authors deeply think through their concepts and put an incredible amount of energy into this book. I do not know how reliable or valid the science is that Holdren and the other
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authors rely on in the book but their writing is not only interesting but persuasive and fairly easy for a layperson such as myself to understand.
If indeed certain elites plan to install a planetary antidemocratic regime the rationale for instituting it can probably be found in this book because the authors present many rational arguments why a global authoritarian regime might be necessary. I this book should be read if possible especially if you want to know why many highly intelligent people agree with Holdren!!
www.prisonplanet.com/obama-science-advisor-called-for-planetary-regime-to-enforce-totalitarian-population-control-measures.html It is interesting to note that certain substances called anti androgens released through pesticides, cosmetics, medicines and other chemicals mimic estrogen and are now found in many water supplies. These chemicals may be responsible for as much as 50% reduction in human fertility being experienced in many areas of the world over the last few decades!
Toxic Chemicals Sprayed in the Air Might be One Method to Reduce Fertility
One possible plan to reduce population would be to spray toxins such as aluminum and barium in the upper atmosphere with the stated aim of reducing global temperature caused by global warming while the hidden aim would be to reduce population because aluminum and barium is toxic to human and animal life.
Depleted Uranium Utilized in U.S. Military Operations May Increase Infertility and Cancers
This link will take you to 153 pubmed government scientific studies of the effects of depleted uranium. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed?term=Military%20use%20of%20Depleted%20Uranium&itool=QuerySuggestion The following link found in the above link suggests that depleted uranium increases infertility in rats. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21259018
Fox News Comes Out Against Fluoride in Water http://sdsdw.org/featured-video/fox-news-runs-anti-fluoride-segment/
States Mandating Fluoridation of Water http://www.fluoridealert.org/mandatory.html Some states allow communities to opt out of the laws. In Nebraska 80% of communities opted out of this law.
Estrogen Mimicking Chemicals Found in Cosmetics, Medicines, Cleaning Chemical and Pesticides Impair Animal and Human Fertility
Releasing chemicals through cosmetics, medicines, cleaning chemicals and pesticides might be one possible way to reduce fertility in humans and reduce population. Human fertility has decreased significantly over the last
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50 years. According to the following British study male fish have been feminized to such an extent that sperm count has decreased drastically for many species and many male fish have taken on some female sexual characteristics. It is possible according to the link that many human fertility problems may be linked to the same causes because there are many similarities between the reproductive systems of humans and fish. http://planetearth.nerc.ac.uk/news/story.aspx?id=297 A local article that dove tails nicely with the above is an article on the front page of the Arizona Daily Star in the Tuesday October 26, 2010 edition is titled Hormone Creams Pose Risk to Pets, Children, vets say: Topical estrogen can be passed to animals inadvertently. The article was originally in the 10/25/10 edition of the New York Times. Women in menopause stopped using oral drugs to relieve menopause symptoms because a government study linked them to increase risks of heart disease and cancer. They turned to topical estrogen creams, however they did not use them properly. Veterinarians throughout the country noticed that dogs often went into heat after being spade. Vets discovered dogs rubbed up against the cream before it was dried or licked the skin where the cream was applied and ingested the extra estrogen either through their skin or through the licking. The Federal Drug Administration issued a warning in the summer after 8 children exposed to the estrogen spray Evamist showed signs of premature puberty like nipple swelling and enlarged breasts. It also issued another warning after 8 children were exposed to topical testosterone. well.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/10/25/when-hormone-creams-expose-others-to-risks/?ref=science
The Food and Drug Administration in collaboration with the local police departments have called on citizens to take their old prescription medicines to special collection sites held on specific days. There are 2 reasons given for the necessity for taking the old prescription drugs to these special sites. First if you put the drugs in the garbage or throw them down the toilet estrogen mimicking chemicals or other dangerous are likely to end up in our water supplies. Sewage treatment plants have no way to treat these chemicals. The second reason given is teenagers are stealing their parent’s prescription drugs to use recreationally with their friends. I was told by one of the medical students at the sight that the old drugs are burned in a special incinerator at the FDA.
Bless the souls at the FDA that initiated this procedure but I wonder what percent of the drug addicted, enslaved, and struggling to survive workers are actually finding the time to take their old drugs to the collection sites. Considering the potential danger for most animal life on the planet I am surprised that more public service announcements have not been aired on television and radio stressing the importance of proper disposal of these dangerous substances. I suspect that the estrogen mimicking and other dangerous chemicals are continuing to seep into and poison our water supply.
Terry Gross on Fresh Air/NPR.12/14/2010/Breast Cancer/Hormones
http://vpr.net/npr/131760656/ Dr. Marissa Weiss for 20 years has treated thousands of patients with breast cancer. She is the founder of the website breastcancer.org. Some interesting facts concerning breast cancer came out during the interview.
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· Breast cancer 100 years ago was a rare disease. In the present epidemic between 5 to 10% can be explained by genes or heredity. It is presumed that chemicals in our modern lifestyle catapulted breast cancer to be the number one cancer in women today. Estrogen mimicking chemicals found in pesticides, cosmetics, medicine and food bathe women in estrogen like chemicals triggering cancers.
· Weiss spent a few minutes describing the food related chemicals. Apples, peaches, celery, pepper and all kinds of berries are sprayed heavily with pesticides. Meats and dairy products can contain hormone-mimicking chemicals. Corn and soy are the most commonly grown crops. Today many seeds are genetically modified to be resistant to herbicides. Atrazine kills weeds for corn but causes estrogen production in human breast tissue. Round up is an herbicide that kills weeds for soy but disrupts the balance in our hormones.
· The breast is a unique organ in that it is not well developed until long after birth. It also takes decades to develop. Breast developing begins between the ages of 8 to 10 and continues to develop until a girl reaches her twenties. During that growth period it is highly impacted by the food, chemicals and hormones in the environment.
· Breast development in girls is continuing to occur earlier and earlier. Some Blacks begin at the ages of 7-8. Many Latino girls begin developing breasts at the age of 9 and some white girls begin breast development at age 10. At the same time most women are postponing their first pregnancies. During this time the breast cells are highly immature and susceptible to chemical exposure.
Rockefeller Foundation Funds Eugenics Research Since 1920ties
As this author documents in his book, Seeds of Destruction,8 since the 1920’s the Rockefeller Foundation had funded the eugenics research in Germany through the Kaiser-Wilhelm Institutes in Berlin and Munich, including well into the Third Reich. They praised the forced sterilization of people by Hitler’s Germany, and the Nazi ideas on race “purity.” It was John D. Rockefeller III, a life-long advocate of eugenics, who used his “tax free” foundation money to initiate the population reduction neo-Malthusian movement through his private Population Council in New York beginning in the 1950’s.
F. William Engdahl, Seeds of Destruction: The Hidden Agenda of Genetic Manipulation, Global Research (www.globalresearch.ca), Montreal, 2007, pp. 79-84.
U.N. Agenda 21 Reduce Population by 90%
Email sent 6/22/2010
A brief explanation of how the World Health Organization which according to Dr. Rima is a privately owned organization like the Fed masquerading as a U.N. agency, is reducing population by vaccination using batches of H1N1 vaccine to sterilize targeted groups. WHO workers were arrested in Philippines for sterilizing 3 million people through the vaccine. A similar process occurred in Sub Sahara Africa.
Agenda21 for Dummies...The NWO. This gives a brief over view of the elements of the Agenda 21.
Agenda21 for Dummies...The NWO. This gives a brief over view of the elements of the Agenda 21.
To see the rest of the links to articles concerning the U.N. in Relationship to the New World Order, go to the post, The U.N. in Relationship to the New World Order Part II.
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